Where Does Cannabis Go in The Body? The Adolescent Brain and The Effects Of THC
Featured expert: Dr. Zerrin Atakan, MD, FRCPsych
Cost: $0 (But we would welcome your donation!)
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This webinar will focus on the contents of the cannabis plant, endocannabinoid system, characteristics of the adolescent brain, and how THC effects the brain and may cause psychosis in some.
Learning Objectives
- The content of the cannabis plant
- Our endocannabinoid system
- Where does the THC go in the body?
- The adolescent brain and the effects of THC
- What are the known biological links with psychosis?
Speaker Bio
After completing her psychiatric training in Turkey, Dr. Atakan moved to the UK with a research scholarship. In the early 90s, her clinical observation of patients with psychosis becoming unwell again following the use of cannabis led her to start doing research on the effects of cannabis in the brain. Since then, she has been one of the pioneers of cannabis research and her group was one of the first to trace where THC and CBD compounds go in the brain, in healthy volunteers.
She currently works as a part-time clinician and an Honorary Senior Lecturer and a Senior Researcher at the Neuroimaging Section of The Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, where she continues to study the effects of cannabis compounds on behaviour and brain regions. She has written numerous articles on the effects of cannabis in peer reviewed, high-impact journals and makes frequent presentations on psychoses and cannabis related topics.
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