2024 Calendar

SAVE THESE DATES on your calendar and plan your outreach with this helpful schedule. Each event will be “live” and link to each campaign as each gets closer. Check back for more details or email [email protected] for information.

November 20: Johnny Stack’s Annual Angelversary Fundraiser
December 3, 2024: #GivingTuesday
Five years ago, on November 20, 2019, our beloved 19-year-old son, Johnny, took his life. As many of you know, he had become psychotic from dabbing high-THC wax. We couldn’t find help or anyone who understood what was happening. So, after he died, we started a nonprofit, Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Prevention, to educate teens and parents about the harms of today’s high-potency THC products and what it does to young minds. Johnny was given to me for a finite amount of time, so our mission to save others could begin.