“I want you to know you were right. You told me marijuana would hurt my brain. It’s ruined my mind and my life, and I’m sorry. I love you.” — Johnny Stack to his mother, 3 days before he died by suicide.
Johnny Stack was born on February 7, 2000 and died by suicide on November 20, 2019 at the age of 19. He was an incredibly intelligent, funny, charming, handsome young man, which you can see in his tribute video. We are a normal suburban family and did normal family things. He had a happy life, a 4.0 GPA with a scholarship to college, and a family who loved him very much. Unfortunately, we live in Colorado, which was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana in 2012, when Johnny was 12 years old. By the time Johnny was 14 years old… KEEP READING
Is your teen using Marijuana?
Are you seeing changes in behavior, emotions, or psychological issues? Do not believe the false narrative out there that teen marijuana use is “natural, safe, and harmless.” Early teen use, combined with frequent, high-potency marijuana use is a recipe for mental illness in later adulthood. Developing minds and THC do not mix. There is NO safe level of THC in the developing adolescent mind! It does not help teen stress, anxiety, or depression. Don’t believe your teen when he or she says, “Everyone is using it.” According to national data, 7 out of 10 high school seniors do not use marijuana. GET HELP FOR YOUR TEEN HERE.
#StopDabbing – What is a Dab?
Dabs are marijuana extracts (shatter, wax, sugar are some examples) made by running a solvent such as butane, ethanol, propane, or carbon dioxide over marijuana, which allows THC to leave the plant material and dissolve into the solvent. This concentrated THC solution is then filtered and further distilled. The result of the extraction is sticky oil that typically appears bronze in color. These are not natural products, as they do not exist in nature (the plant matter is discarded), and they are highly potent, containing up to 99% THC. “Dabbing” or “taking a dab” means to inhale the chemical vapors of a concentrated THC product, either with a pen containing a heating element or through a dab rig (google that to see the hundreds of devices). KEEP READING
Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention is a nonprofit 501(c)3 with EIN 85-0593925. We educate parents, teens, and communities about the dangers of today’s potent THC products (marijuana, dabs, vapes, edibles) on adolescent brain development, psychosis, and suicide. Your gift is 100% tax deductible. DONATE HERE.
“To me, altruism means being selfless or giving to other people, even when there may be nothing to gain and something to lose. Altruistic people do things for the collective interest instead of their own.” — Johnny Stack

The Impact of THC on Our Children: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare
Stories Compiled by Laura Stack, Founder & CEO of Johnny’s Ambassadors
Are you concerned about your teen’s THC use (smoking marijuana, vaping, dabbing, or using edibles)? In The Impact of THC on Our Children: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare, twenty-five Parents of Children with Cannabis-Induced Psychosis (POCCIP) share their real-life stories of their children’s THC use, addiction, mental illness, psychosis, and sometimes, sadly, suicide. This book is published by Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention, a nonprofit in Colorado, with a mission to educate parents, teens, and communities about the dangers of today’s potent THC products on adolescent brain development, psychosis, and suicide. Learn the REAL truth about today’s potent THC products and what they are doing to our children’s mental health. When THC products are legalized in some states, there is often a misperception they are safe. To the contrary, there is NO safe level of THC in the developing adolescent mind, and these products are not harmless for teens. Get your teen to stop using THC before it’s too late.
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