Hello! Thank you for your interest in being one of Johnny’s Ambassadors and helping us prevent youth marijuana use!
To join us as one of Johnny’s Ambassadors, please register on our online community to connect with others, participate in discussions, join networks, and share resources.
Second, we would gratefully accept your donation in any amount. We are 100% funded by our supporters (we receive no grant or government money), so please help us save our youth from the harms of today’s marijuana! We do not and will never share or sell our mailing list, so join with confidence!
Check out our marijuana prevention education! There are lots of other ways you can get involved by subscribing to our newsletter, joining our Facebook group, or participating in the annual #StopDabbing walk in your neighborhood. See below for options!
Read Our Latest News
- Marijuana Dispensaries Sell to Thousands of Minors Every Year“Cannabis retailers are not selling to minors and their products are not being diverted to the underage market.” That’s what …
Continue reading “Marijuana Dispensaries Sell to Thousands of Minors Every Year”
- Association Between Non-Medical Cannabis Legalization and Emergency Department Visits for Cannabis-Induced PsychosisIn 2018, the Cannabis Act legalized recreational cannabis across Canada, making it the second country to pass such legislation, after …
- Cannabis Use Is Associated with Depression Severity and Suicidality in the National Comorbidity Survey—Adolescent SupplementOver recent years, people in the United States have become more aware of the nation’s mental health crisis. And there’s …