Thank you for donating to Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Prevention! We appreciate your support of our mission to educate parents, teens, and communities about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, psychosis, and suicide.
All contributions to Johnny’s Ambassadors are 100% tax deductible to 501c3 EIN number 85-0593925.
If you wish to make a donation online with a credit card, please click here:
If you wish to set up a recurring donation each month, please check the box when checking out that says “Make this a monthly donation.” If you contribute $35 a month, that is $420 in one year (amazing how that works out), which makes you a member of our Anti-420 club and listed on our website.
If you wish to send a check, please download this form. Send to Johnny’s Ambassadors, 4242 Hickory Oaks Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104. We can also accept stock transfers to our Vanguard account. Email [email protected] for more information about this option.
Thank you so very much for your support!