Donate Now

Thank you for donating to Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Prevention! We appreciate your support of our mission to educate parents, teens, and communities about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, psychosis, and suicide.

All contributions to Johnny’s Ambassadors are 100% tax deductible to 501c3 EIN number 85-0593925.

If you wish to set up a recurring donation each month, please check the box when checking out that says “Make this a monthly donation.” If you contribute $35 a month, that is $420 in one year (amazing how that works out), which makes you a member of our Anti-420 club and listed on our website.

If you wish to send a check, please download this form. Send to Johnny’s Ambassadors, 4242 Hickory Oaks Street, Castle Rock, CO 80104. We can also accept stock transfers to our Vanguard account. Email [email protected] for more information about this option.

Thank you so very much for your support!