Barbara Brown Evans
[email protected]
Anne West
[email protected]
Dear Michigan Johnny’s Ambassadors,
We are a force to be reckoned with in protecting our children! I want to try to get many of us together either in person or on a zoom call or both.
Here are some objectives, and I would welcome your input as well:
- Support for each other.
- Ideas for spreading the word about this poison and how to do that.
- Contacting schools to have Laura Stack and others come and speak.
- Reach out to Michigan government officials to combat some of the policies in Michigan including allowing billboard advertising, high potency THC products, and candy that is advertised to look like the THC free candy.
I would like to move forward with an action plan and specific steps we could take. If you are from Michigan and wish to participate, please DM me with contact information so we can add you to the list. I would like to plan a road trip to lobby our Michigan legislators in the future for anyone interested. Three things we could advocate for are
1) A robust public education program modelled after the Truth Campaign for nicotine
2) Dedicated funding for public health research on the impact and cost of cannabis legalization in Michigan.
3) Mandated warnings on all packaging.
Please offer as much or little time as you have available. We can definitely use everyone’s help! Thinking of an intro meeting this Saturday or Sunday, October 26th/27th at 10 am (but very flexible on that time). Location/day/time will be determined after I see the availability of all participants. We can try to find a reasonable place to meet that’s close by for everyone. Future meet ups could be via zoom.
I’m piggybacking off Patricia Jones Blessman (from our POCCIP group) who has a similar initiative going in Illinois. She will be a great resource for us!
Also, Leslie Carpenter (also from our group, but in Iowa) said if we can get bills filed, to let her know…and she can help track them. She can also send out advocacy alerts to our advocates in the state to help them to be able to easily email their legislators to ask for their support for a bill.
Please let me know if any of this is something you might be interested in pursuing. I think we need to use all our connections to make things happen and get change to protect others from experiencing what we have with our loved ones.
If you want to contact me to discuss, you can email me at [email protected] or call or text me at (248) 763-2401. Just leave me a message if I don’t pick up as there are so many calls during this election season so I often don’t pick up!
Barbara Brown Evans