ROLL CALL! SADD chapters! NHS chapters! Drama Clubs! Videography Classes! Student Councils! Coalition Youth Leadership Councils! Prevention Clubs! Those impacted by THC use!
Parents, school leaders, drama club teachers, and community leaders, please send this to your students!
Johnny’s Ambassadors is HIRING TEENS AND YOUNG ADULTS (high school and college students ONLY-please NO ADULTS) to create original videos about the harms of youth THC use for ANTI-420 DAY. On April 20, we are going to flood Instagram with our anti-THC messages here: www.instagram.com/johnnysambassadors/reels/. Please help us get the word out by sharing your story and/or providing education on why young people should not use THC.
Students will be PAID $25 for an individual UGC video, $35 for a group video of 2+ people in a dialogue, and $50 for a professionally produced educational video or skit with adult sponsor supervision (using video equipment-no phones-cue videography and drama clubs)!
- This is a work for hire. All video files submitted will be the property of Johnny’s Ambassadors nonprofit (you are transferring ownership and copyright), which means Johnny’s Ambassadors is allowed to use or post the video anywhere. However, you are still free to use your own video in any way you wish!
- ALL payments are in Amazon gift cards only (no cash) to a parent or adult sponsor if under 18.
- Videos will be posted on Johnny’s Ambassadors Instagram @JohnnysAmbassadors account on April 20 and MUST ALSO be posted or cross-posted (shared) on one actor’s Instagram account. Use hashtags #THCFreeLife #Anti420 #StopDabbing and #JohnnysAmbassadors.
- Open to any high school or college students located in any U.S. state only. You must still be attending school.
- Video entries will be accepted from March 11 to April 19.
- Videos must be a MINIMUM of 90 seconds and a MAXIMUM of 2:59 minutes.
- Limit of one video entry per person (no advance approval required)
- Limit of one video entry per group (no advance approval required). NO duplicate actors in multiple entries.
- Limit of three professional videos per school or club. For professionally produced videos, please have the adult sponsor email [email protected] in advance for approval of your plan/topics.
- You will submit your own User-Generated Content (UGC), meaning you personally created the video. You can have the help of another person filming you or your group if you choose, but only one person will get the reward.
- Videos should be uploaded in mp4 format to spaces.hightail.com/uplink/laurastack with your description and any research links you cited.
- Use first names ONLY (no last names).
- Your video should either be an educational Youth THC Prevention video on why young people shouldn’t use THC products (vapes, dabs, weed, edibles, gummies) OR a personal story of how you have been impacted by THC use (yourself, a friend, a family member, or a loved one). SAMPLE ideas include:
• Educate about why teens shouldn’t use THC (vaping, dabbing, smoking, or eating)
• Explain why THC impacts athletic performance on a team
• Bust a commonly-held but incorrect myth about THC
• Give a fact/research about the impact of youth THC use* Tell a personal story about how you’ve been negatively impacted by THC use
• Share what the cost THC use has been for you
• Do a skit or drama to educate other teens why using products with THC is bad for you
• Teach a startling statistic, such as, “Did you know…?”
• Be creative!
- No swearing is allowed.
- You must have the rights to use any music or images. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited.
- Any content which suggests, depicts, imitates, or promotes the possession or consumption of any THC product is prohibited. DO NOT IMITATE THE USE OF THC/MARIJUANA OR PARAPHERNALIA OF ANY KIND, EVEN AS A JOKE.
- No purchase is required to submit your video. This event isn’t sponsored, endorsed, or administered by or associated with Instagram, Meta, or any other 3rd party platform.
- By submitting your video, you are agreeing Johnny’s Ambassadors has the right to download, post, re-post, and/or use your video and likeness anywhere without limit. The video could then be posted or re-posted on social media by anyone.
- Any decision on the rejection of a video not following these rules will be made by Laura Stack, and her decisions are final.
Please email [email protected] with any questions and THANK YOU for being Johnny’s Ambassadors!