Driven: Rules of the Road to Success
Featured expert: Cara Filler
Cost: $0 (But we would welcome your donation!)
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Cara Filler believes you are not defined by your “story” or the events that happen in your life but by the meaning we give those events that control the steering wheel of our lives. Which direction are you driving? The road hasn’t always been ‘easy’ for Cara. The day after their 18th birthday, Cara’s world was devastated when her identical twin sister, Mairin, was killed in a high speed car crash. From that day forward, Cara committed to helping others put life and its challenges in perspective. She is a dedicated Safety Spaz and encourages everyone no matter your age to listen to your inner voice, stand up to a bully, get out of a speeding car, take the keys from a friend who has been drinking, ask for help or make a hard decision. It could just save a life!!
Cara’s entertaining and powerful keynote presentation will equip students with a G.P.S. (Game Plan for Success) to design a life by choice not by chance, and navigate the speed bumps and road blocks of school and life.
Speaker Bio
Cara Filler is Driven to Inspire. For the past 25 years, Cara has shared her powerful positive leadership and traffic safety programs with more than 2 million students in 5 countries. Drawing from an immense personal tragedy in her own life, Cara’s inspiring presentations focus on dealing with peer pressure, traffic safety, and being YOU-nique. Cara keeps it real. She’s an incredible storyteller, a bad dancer, and totally unashamed to make a fool of herself. Using humor and touching stories, Cara captivates her audience and leads them on an emotional roller coaster ride. But most of all, you will remember her for a little dance that just might save your life!
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