35% of 12th Graders Used Marijuana in 2020 – FACT or CRAP Part 4

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

4. In 2020, 10% of high school seniors used marijuana.

Answer: CRAP

In 2019, 22% of students were using at least monthly by the time they reached 12th grade. MONITORING FUTURE http://www.monitoringthefuture.org/pubs/monographs/mtf-vol1_2019.pdf

The marijuana industry is busily trying to lure teens into using marijuana. Medical and psychological studies in the last decade, however, have proven how harmful marijuana use is to teens. There are NO peer-reviewed, scientific studies showing ANY benefit of today’s high-potency THC for teens.

Despite the harms to youth, the marijuana industry continues to grow from its humble beginnings to a juggernaut crushing its opponents, especially since statewide legalization for recreational use first came true in Colorado in 2012. They have huge funding, unlike the grassroots organizations like Johnny’s Ambassadors trying to sound a warning. Today, the majority of states have either legalized some form of marijuana, or like Texas, have decriminalized it. That is, it’s not legal, but it’s not illegal, either.

One assumption by advocates and voters was that as black market marijuana use decreased, young people would find the drug harder to get. Instead, we’ve mostly seen the opposite. In fact, as of 2020, according to the 2020 Monitoring the Future Survey, 35% of all 12th graders in American high schools used marijuana that year.

One unscrupulous doctor in CT was suspended for two years for writing 22,000 “medical” marijuana cards in one year, easily obtainable by 18-year-olds who make up a medical condition and get the card to get high. According to the state reporting system, this is the equivalent of 1/3 of all Michigan people getting a medical marijuana card to get high!

Most smoke or vape marijuana, including the dangerously concentrated high-THC versions that cause mental illness and psychosis, or sadly, suicide. Vaping potent 80%+ THC oil is favored by teens because it doesn’t leave a strong smell and is easy to hide.

Marijuana is insidious, easy to get, and is wrapping its tentacles even tighter around our youths. Keep your eyes wide open for the symptoms of use. Drug test as soon as you discover your child is using, with appropriate consequences for continued use, including residential treatment. Nip the bud in the bud before your kid becomes a statistic! Trust me.

See more FACT or CRAP statements

Read the January 18, 2022 Johnny’s Ambassadors Newsletter

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