Marijuana and Later Opioid Use – FACT or CRAP Part 6

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

6. Marijuana doesn’t increase your odds you’ll use other drugs.

Answer: CRAP

Adolescent marijuana users are 2.5 times more likely to abuse prescription opioids. Prior use of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana and subsequent abuse of prescription opioids in young adults the rest

Does Marijuana Improve Your Memory? – FACT or CRAP Part 5

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

5. Marijuana improves your memory.

Answer: CRAP

Marijuana impairs short-term memory, making it difficult to learn and retain information. A Population-Based Analysis of the Relationship Between Substance Use and Adolescent Cognitive Development

Let’s face it: Big Marijuana, and the adults it’s duped with its promises of a clean high and a medical panacea, really know better.… Read the rest

Marijuana Lowers Your Intelligence – FACT or CRAP Part 2

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

2. Marijuana can’t lower your intelligence.

Answer: CRAP

Heavy marijuana exposure starting in adolescence predicts an 8-point drop in IQ. Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife

For some time now, scientists and medical professionals have known that persistent marijuana use over long periods of time harms the brain in a variety of ways.… Read the rest

Marijuana and Addiction – FACT or CRAP Part 1

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

  1. You can get addicted to marijuana.

Answer: FACT

17% of adolescents who use marijuana become addicted, and 50% of daily users become addicted. Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use

Recently, I came across an ad for a cannabis-only investment company that pointed out that legal marijuana might soon grow to a $100 billion industry.… Read the rest