Book Guidelines

The nonprofit Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention is looking for parents in the U.S. and Canada (limited to N. America at this time) whose children have been harmed by THC (addiction, mental illness, psychosis, suicide, etc.).

We invite you to share your story and be a co-author in a new printed book, The Impact of THC on Our Children: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare, to be published in spring 2024.

The book will be sent to media outlets all over the U.S., so we get more press about the dangers of youth THC use. You can also purchase inexpensive printed copies of the book from Amazon share with others and distribute to your community (school administrators, libraries, coalitions, hospitals, psychiatry and counseling offices, legislators, parents, law enforcement, etc.).

Writing Guidelines

1. Stories are due March 1, 2024.
2. In general, they should be between 1000-2500 words, but there is no set length.
3. You can use “my son” or “my daughter” generically if you wish.
4. Authors will only be identified with first name, last initial, and state.
5. Each author will be assigned five volunteer editors to advise on style, content, flow, and grammar. Do not send your story to Laura until they have gone through this review.
6. We recommend you send your story to 5-10 additional friends and family members to get their input when they read your story.
7. Your submission should only be your story. Do not include footnotes or links to research, as the book will contain its own research section on addiction, mental illness, psychosis, brain development, and suicidality.
8. Each submission must accompany the release form (download at the top of this page).

Email [email protected] to indicate your interest in participating, so we can save you space in the book. Send the completed form once your story is written.

Editorial Guidelines

  1. Use APA style. I’m particularly fond of using serial commas (two commas with three items in a sentence).Use exclamation marks if desired.
  2. Indent and punctuate bulleted lists.
  3. Apply Calibri 11.
  4. Use headings and subheadings if desired, but it’s not required. Each story may be in a slightly different format, and that’s okay.
  5. Use an intimate tone, as if you are telling me the story 1-on-1 over a cup of coffee.
  6. Don’t use an images or photos.

Permission Release Agreement

DIRECTIONS (download the agreement at the top of this page)

  1. Save this document by adding your name to the end of the file name.
  2. Fill in the highlighted areas.
  3. Copy/paste your story on the bottom (target 1000-2500 words). Stories are due March 1, 2024, no exceptions. Use Calibri font 11.
  4. Sign the document and either scan it and send to [email protected] or take a photo of the signature and text it to Laura at 720-334-1856.

Author:  (Your name)

Materials: Included at the bottom of this document

My Life Story: Life Rights

Book Inclusion: A Parent’s Worst Nightmare – The Impact of THC on Our Children

Payment: NONE

Copyright Date: 2024


  1. I hereby grant to Laura Stack and Johnny’s Ambassadors Publishing and your successors, assigns and licensees forever, the non-exclusive, irrevocable and unconditional right to describe, relate, publish, and/or exploit, in such manner as you shall elect, any literary materials or text owned by me or under my control, described above (“Materials”), and/or my likeness; personality, actions, and incidents related to, based upon or adapted from or suggested by my life story (“Life Rights”) in the Book listed above and in or in connection with any exploitation thereof in any manner and in any medium whatsoever, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe in perpetuity, and in any advertising and publicity related thereto.
  2. In granting the foregoing rights, I warrant that I have not been induced or persuaded to do so by any representation or assurance made by you relative to the way you propose to exercise the rights granted hereunder.
  3. I represent and warrant that the Materials are non-fiction and that I have the right to enter into this agreement and to grant, without the consent of third parties, all the rights herein granted insofar as you are concerned; that I have not exclusively granted or assigned or otherwise transferred such rights to any others; and that there are no claims, litigation or other proceedings pending or threatened which could in any way impair, limit or diminish the rights granted to you hereunder. I, on behalf of myself, my successors, heirs and assigns, hereby irrevocably covenant that I will not assert a claim or maintain an action or suit and will not consent to the assertion or maintenance by others of any claim, action or suit (including, but not limited to claims, actions or suits for invasion of my rights of privacy, rights of publicity, defamation or rights in the nature of “droit moral”) of any kind on account of the exercise by you or your transferees, successors, heirs, licensees, employees or assigns of any of the rights herein granted or agreed to be granted to you. I agree to indemnify you and your successors, assigns, heirs and licensees, and hold all such persons or companies harmless from and against all liability, losses, damages, costs, expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees), judgments and penalties arising out of, resulting from, based upon or incurred because of the breach of any warranty, representation or agreement made by me hereunder. Specifically, I agree that I will have no rights to enjoin the publication, exhibition or distribution or exploitation of any book or derivative work based thereon or to terminate or rescind any rights granted to you hereunder.
  4. I agree that you shall have the right to edit, change, add to, take from, rearrange, vary, embellish, alter, modify, revise, translate, reformat and/or reprocess the Materials and/or the Life Rights in any manner you may in your sole discretion determine and to use them in a book, or other materials including websites, or social media.
  5. Nothing in this document shall be construed in any way to remove my rights to use the material published in the Book elsewhere as I wish.
  6. My story will not contain any commercial promotion. My story will not mention any websites or organizations.
  7. I attest that I have the right to consent to this agreement not only for myself but also on behalf of anyone else mentioned in the story.
  8. I agree that this instrument constitutes my entire agreement and complete understanding and that all prior or contemporaneous promises, understandings, and agreements, oral or written, are merged into, and included in this written instrument. I agree also that you are under no obligation to make use of any right or privilege that I have granted to you.
  9. This agreement shall bind my heirs, administrators, executors and assigns forever. You shall have the right to assign any or all your rights hereunder to any person, firm, or entity.
  10. I give you the foregoing consent and release with the knowledge and understanding that you will incur substantial expense in reliance thereon.

I agree to all the terms and conditions with my signature below.


Your Signature

Date Signed:

Full Printed Legal Name:


Phone Number:

Street Address:            
