Hire a THC Prevention Speaker for your Event

If you’re looking for someone to talk to your students about youth substance abuse prevention, please meet our Certified Johnny’s Ambassadors Trainers! These individuals are licensed teach Johnny’s Ambassadors curriculum on our behalf. Many of them offer additional talks in addition to our regular material. Please click on each one to read more and email [email protected] for pricing and questions about booking them for your next assembly, community event, or prevention conference. Download our program brochure. Program fees are on the last page. Download our speakers bureau flyer.

Laura Stack formed the nonprofit Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention after her 19-year-old son, Johnny, died by suicide after experiencing Cannabis-Induced Psychosis. Laura travels around the U.S. to educate teens, parents, and prevention professionals about the harms of youth THC use (marijuana, vapes, dabs, edibles) and the impact on addiction, adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicidality. Laura gives 200 talks a year at middle and high schools and prevention conferences. Click here for more information.

Grace Davis, is 25 years old and a graduate of the University of Northern Colorado. She credits her friend Johnny Stack as a pivotal influence in her decision to complete her degree and quit cannabis. Having experienced cannabis-induced psychosis, she believes her cannabis/THC use contributed to the progression of her bipolar disorder. Grace is certified in Johnny’s Ambassadors student programs for middle and high school. The teens really connect with her as someone who once used THC and quit and is in recovery. Click here for more information.

Hannah Palmer is a 22-year-old dedicated drug-free advocate focused on promoting healthy lifestyles among young people. With a strong emphasis on the risks associated with marijuana use, she aims to foster a clear understanding of its effects and the benefits of living THC-free. She has a powerful story about loved ones with THC addiction and how it impacted her life. Hannah is certified in Johnny’s Ambassadors student programs for middle and high school. Click here for more information.

Brandi Welch is 23 years old and a 2019 graduate of both Tulare Union High School and the Arts, Media, and Entertainment (AME) Academy. Brandi is a recovered Marijuana/THC user with a personal testimony of her own Cannabis-Induced Psychosis and recovery, who is willing to share her story with anyone who will listen. Brandi is certified in Johnny’s Ambassadors student programs for middle and high school. Click here for more information.

James Henning served over 31 years with the Denver Police Department and retired after attaining the rank of Commander. Working his way from Patrol to Command Staff, James worked assignments in Training, Communications, Vice/Drug, and Administration, and he served as the Commander of the Investigative Support Division. James teaches our parent curriculum. Click here for more information.

The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story

With THC being legal in many states across the U.S., it’s often confusing about its safety for teens. In this session, you will specifically learn the data and facts about why THC (including Delta-8) is harmful for adolescents. This talk tells the story of Johnny Stack, who started vaping THC at a party at 14 years old and died by suicide at 19 after he became delusional from dabbing wax. Three days before his death, Johnny issued his own warning about his THC usage, “Marijuana ruined my mind and my life.” By weaving Johnny’s tragic tale throughout this science-based presentation, our trainers educate students on how THC can disrupt brain development. This presentation reviews the newest research on the potential harms of vaping, dabbing, and edibles in a teen-friendly way and teaches them how to decline offers to use.

  • Meet Johnny Stack – Who Was He?
  • Define the Terminology: Cannabis, Marijuana, Hemp, Delta-9, Delta-8, THC, CBD
  • Understand THC Potency – “Then” vs. “Now” Marijuana
  • Learn how THC is Extracted and how Concentrates are Made in a Lab
  • Learn how THC Gives Users the High Feeling by Mimicking Natural Endocannabinoids
  • Understand how THC Impacts Adolescent Brain Formation and Function by Binding to CB1 Receptors
  • Review the Dirty Dozen Impacts of THC Use on the Teen Brain
  • Uncover the Research Between Teen THC Use and Mental Illness, Psychosis, and Suicidal Thinking
  • Practice What do To and Say When Offered THC at a Party
  • Consider the Science When Making Decisions for Yourself in the Future