Johnny’s Five Values: Part IV, Enthusiasm!

By Laura Stack

Continuing our series on Johnny’s most important values, he listed his fourth value as Enthusiasm. It probably won’t surprise you to learn it’s one of my personal values as well. I make much of my living as a professional speaker on the topics of productivity and time management, and without enthusiasm, I couldn’t do my job well.… Read the rest

Johnny’s Five Values: Part I, Altruism

By Laura Stack

There’s a wise old saying that goes, “Into every life, a little rain must fall.” Since the beginning of this year, America has experienced a figurative typhoon. History will remember 2020 as an annus horribilis during which the COVID-19 pandemic killed hundreds of thousands worldwide and sickened millions, damaging our economy in the process.… Read the rest

Dabbing and Teen Mental Health

By Laura Stack

May is Mental Health Month, which gives parents and grandparents an excellent opportunity to talk to your teens about how smoking marijuana and dabbing (inhaling the vapors of high-THC marijuana extracts) affects their mental health.

People like to joke about stoners still living in their mom’s basement at age 29, but the effects of marijuana go way beyond the classic stoner stereotypes.… Read the rest

Johnny Is Back as a Cartoon to Explain to His Ambassadors What Dabbing Is

Please Share with Your Teens

By Laura Stack

I’m delighted to announce that through your contributions to our new nonprofit, Johnny’s Ambassadors, JOHNNY has come to life as a cartoon and is ready to do something important in this world! Our mission is to educate parents and teens about the dangers of adolescent substance abuse and help parents have conversations with their children.… Read the rest

Non-Profit Status

We are excited to announce on 4/7/20, Johnny’s Ambassadors, Inc. filed IRS Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The submission of this application allows us to function as a nonprofit until we receive the IRS designation.… Read the rest