Find a City Team Near You

Looking for a great way to get involved helping us spread the word about the mental harms to youth who use marijuana? Help us prevent youth substance abuse, mental illness, and suicide, and join our annual #StopDabbing walk! We are forming 100 Johnny’s Ambassadors teams, which are led by affected loved ones, coalitions, community groups, or concerned individuals just like you. You can name your team whatever you want! If you want to represent your community in general, name your team in the format Johnny’s Ambassadors City State, such as Johnny’s Ambassadors Prescott AZ.

Check to see if your city has already formed a team in your area. If your city is listed, you can register individually or as a Team Captain with your own fundraising page! If there isn’t a team in your city, you can start one!

Here is a list of our Johnny’s Ambassadors Teams so far, including the City Leader’s name and email address. Please feel free to reach out to the City Leader to introduce yourself and volunteer to help if you wish:


Prescott, AZ: Helping Andy Help Others – Sally Schindel, [email protected]

New Legacy Vancouver – Lynden Legault

Prince Edward Island, the Maritimes: Johnny’s Ambassadors PEI – Kristin Arnold and Joe Sherren, [email protected]
Toronto, Ontario: Johnny’s Ambassadors Toronto – Doug Klar, [email protected]

Glendale, CA: Glendale Area Team – Cathy Morfopoulos
San Diego, CA: North San Diego County Alcohol and Drug Prevention – Leticia Robles
Solano County, CA: Solano County Team – Bart Bright, [email protected]

Boulder, CO: Blue Rising – Dawn Reinfeld, [email protected]
Broomfield, CO: Broomfield Support Team – Adrienne Leonard, [email protected]
Denver, CO: Johnny’s Ambassadors Denver – Shelly Waggoner 
Fort Collins, CO: Johnny’s Ambassadors Fort Collins – Tanis and Tenley Roeder, [email protected]
Golden, CO: Johnny’s Ambassadors Golden – Jen Dewar, [email protected] 
Highlands Ranch, CO: Johnny’s Ambassadors Highlands Ranch – Laura Stack, [email protected]

DC – Father + Hood: Randall Baylor, [email protected]

Team Bton: Jackie Trueblood 

Kentucky Team – Elizabeth Jeffries, [email protected]

Boston, MA: Johnny’s Ambassadors Boston Metro West – Theresa Hoggins, [email protected]

St. Louis, MO: Spirit of St. Louis – Evann Duplantier, [email protected]

Deer Lodge, MT: Stop Dabbing in honor of Katee Gene – Amanda Bohrer, [email protected]

Flemington, NJ: Prevention Resources – Amanda Kovacs, [email protected]

Corvallis, OR: Johnny’s Ambassadors Corvallis – Carrie Hardie 

Nacogdoches, TX: NAC-CAN Coalition – Cindy Vargas, [email protected]

Roanoke, VA: Prevention Council of Roanoke – Jennifer and Nancy Henderson, [email protected]

Don’t see your city? Would YOU like to be the City Leader? It’s easy! You’ll receive everything you need from us. You’ll pick a starting line for the #StopDabbing walk, participate in a few conference calls, and post on your social media channels (or maybe flyers in the community). That’s it!

Please help us raise awareness and educate parents and teens about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana, adolescent brain development, and suicide. The only way people will know marijuana isn’t harmless if for us to share our stories (or share Johnny’s story). Help us save the lives of our youth!

Email Founder & CEO, Laura Stack, [email protected] with questions or to volunteer! Thank you!