Johnny’s Ambassadors thanks these amazing schools, Drug-Free Community coalitions, non-profits, and prevention organizations for their partnership. Laura Stack has given nearly 1000 presentations to over 500,000 teens over the past five years. Here are just some of our delighted partners (scroll down for testimonials).
Addiction Prevention Coalition of Birmingham, AL
Anaconda-Deer Lodge, MT Coalition
Andalusia school system, AL
Aroostook County Action Program
Baker County, FL Coalition
Bay Area Community Resources
Bay Area Council on Drugs & Alcohol
Beaver County Community Forum
Brick High Schools NJ
Bulloch Alcohol & Drug Council
Butler County Summer Conference (Pittsburgh)
Byers Junior/Senior High School, CO
Camanche-DeWitt Coalition, Iowa
Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Conference
Chaparral High School, Parker, CO
Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, IN
City and County of Honolulu – Substance Abuse Prevention Section
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
Central Virginia Addiction and Recovery Resources Coalition of Lynchburg, VA
Chesapeake Integrated Behavioral Healthcare, VA
Colorado Association of School Resource Officers
Colorado Safe Schools Summit
Comfort TX Drug Free Coalition
Community Coalitions of Idaho
Community Coalitions of Virginia (CCoVA)
Community Crime Conference, Ogden, UT
Covington County Children’s Policy Council Coalition of Andalusia, AL
Christian Brothers Academy, NJ
Decatur Parents Network Speaker Series
Diversity and Inclusion Parents organization – Cherry Creek School District, CO
Decisions at Every Turn DFC
Douglas County School Resource Office Training, CO
Douglas County Sheriff’s Office
Drug Free America Foundation
Drug Free Comfort Texas
Durham Middlefield Local Wellness Coalition
DUI Task Force Prevention Summit, Billings, MT
ECHO Coalition Montpelier, OH
East Lyme Youth Services, CT
Easton School District, CO
Ensworth Academy, Nashville TN
Family Service Madison, WI
Elbert HS and MS, CO
Franklin County Caring Communities, VT
Franklin Hall High School, Nashville TN
Franklin/Fulton Drug & Alcohol of Chambersburg, PA
Frenchtown Community Coalition Coordinator of Frenchtown, MT
Galena Park Independent School District
Glenvar High School, Roanoke, VA
Hampton-Newport News Community Services Board, VA
Harpeth Hall High School Nashville TN
Hershey High School NE
Hidden Valley High School, Roanoke, VA
High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA Rocky Mountains)
Hingham Cares
Idaho Juvenile Justice Association
Iowa Alliance of Coalitions for Change (AC4C)
Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems of Springfield, IL
International Academy on the Science and Impact of Cannabis
Iowa Alliance of Coalitions for Change (AC4C) Johnstown, IA
It Takes a Community Drug & Alcohol Prevention Coalition, Elma, NY
Johnston Prevention Coalition
Karl Maeser Preparatory Academy, Lindon, UT
KNOW 2 Prevent
Knox Substance Abuse Action Team (KSAAT)
Legend High School, Parker, CO
Livingston County Community Alliance MI
Ludlow CARES Coalition MA
LUK, Inc. – Leominster Community Action Team of Fitchburg, MA
Lyme Youth Service Bureau, Old Lyme, CT
Malone Schools NY – Prevention Program and Community Task Force
Manuel F. Cunha Intermediate School, Daly City, CA
Mercer County PA Town Hall
Moses Lake Community Coalition, WA
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Manhasset Coalition Against Substance Abuse (CASA), Inc.
Mighty Parenting
Milford Prevention Council of Milford, CT
Mount Rogers Community Services
NE Prevention Resource Center
New Canaan Cares
Northside High School, Roanoke, VA
North Platte Community College/Community Connections
Oklahoma State University’s Community Wellness Programs
Operation Parent
Palm Beach County Coalition
PILLAR Institute for Lifelong Learning
Pivot 2 Health of Watertown, NY
Point Pleasant Beach School District NJ
Prevention Council of Roanoke County of Roanoke, VA
Prevention Resources of Flemington, NJ
Prevention Resources and the Safe Communities Coalition
PTTC Region 3 – the Danya Institute
Red Bank Catholic High School, NJ
Red Bank Regional High School, NJ
Region III Wellness Council, Southwest Virginia
Regional Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention (RASAP)
Richland County MT Coalition
Ridgeline Church, Castle Rock, CO
Roanoke Valley Prevention Council
Rocky Mountain High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA)
Rotary Club Denver
Rotary District Literacy Conference
Rumson/Fair Haven (RFH) HS and MS
Sacramento County Coalition for Youth, CA
Salmon Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
Sandstone Residential Care
SD Drug and Alcohol Prevention Coalition
SD Medical Marijuana Coalition
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCL) Health Systems
Skyridge Medical Center CME training for primary physicians, Lone Tree, CO
Smart Approaches to Marijuana
St. Luke’s High School, Indianapolis, IN
Stanford Cannabis Prevention Conference
Stand Project Upper Arlington OH
Stone County Health Coalition MO
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
Substance Abuse Free Indian River (SAFIR)
Substance Abuse Prevention System Coalition, North Platte, NE
Substance Use Services and Tobacco Prevention, Ventura, CA
Suicide Prevention Council of Roanoke Valley, VA
The Compassionate Friends
The Council on Alcohol and Drugs
The Stand Project Upper Arlington, VA
Thomas R. Pollicita Middle School, Daly City, CA
Thunder Ridge High School, Highlands Ranch, CO
Town of East Hampton, NY
Town of Windsor, CT
TPAUD, Trumbull CT Prevention Partnership
University of Alabama, D1 football and D1 basketball teams
Upper Arlington High School, VA
University of Alabama D1 Football team – Tuscaloosa, AL
Utah Public Safety Conference, St. George, UT
Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Watertown, NY PIVOT coalition
Wesleyan School, Peachtree Corners, GA
Winooski Partnership for Prevention, Inc.
Wyoming Department of Health Suicide Prevention Summit
Wyoming meth/substance abuse conference, Casper, WY
Yonkers Coalition for Youth
Young Men’s Service League, CA
Your Choice Prevention Education of Oconomowoc, WI
YSS AMP Statewide

“Laura knocked it out of the park and delivered a strong message to our students. Her knowledge about high potency THC and the ramifications it has for young adult users is data driven, current, and extremely informative. These are unprecedented times, where youth and adults know little about today’s marijuana and the correlation it shares with mental health. As a high school Student Assistance Counselor for 26 years, who has coordinated hundreds of assemblies for students and parents, I can confidently say that Laura Stack is a pioneer and on the front line in terms of educating youth and caregivers on a very dangerous substance that sadly is perceived as harmless by far too many.”
– Lori Ann Roland, LPC, LCADC, Licensed Professional Counselor, Brick Township High School, NJ
“I am so grateful Laura Stack was willing to share her story with our students at FRA. Johnny’s Ambassadors had a huge impact on our students and parents alike! While it was a hard topic to share with our students, it was critically important. Laura conveyed it in such a way that was incredibly well-received by our students. You could have heard a pin drop in the room when she was speaking. A number of parents followed up commenting their students came home that night talking about what she said. It is a message everyone needs to hear.”
– Sean Casey, Head of School, Franklin Road Academy, Nashville, TN
“Dear Laura, I just finished listening to the webinar you did for us and had to take a moment to thank you. Thank you for your passion and persistence. This webinar was the best I ever attended. The information you shared was priceless, practical, and will save lives. There were so many takeaways for me but this one says it all: “Silence implies permission.” Your passion has re-ignited my passion to not be silent about marijuana and the many other issues we address. I am so sorry for your loss of Johnny, an amazing son! Thank you for sharing his life with all of us.
– Jean Schumm, President & Founder, Operation Parent”
“I have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from your talk!! The players were very receptive to it, and your message resonated with them for sure. Let me know if I can help you with other schools, and I will absolutely give your name to my counterparts at other programs! “
– Jeff Allen, Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine, University of Alabama D1 Football team
“I am a Junior at Grand Valley High School. You guys just walked out of the gym, and I didn’t get the chance to tell you guys thank you. I am a strong Christian and truly believe that God is using you guys to save the lives of teens all across the world. Your talk has now given me the courage to have a hard conversation with my best friend, she vapes and she knows I don’t agree with it but we’ve never really talked about it, now I know if I don’t say anything that can be more dangerous. Thank you for being brave enough to learn the hard stuff and really put yourself out there. I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through but am thankful that God is using you to save others! Thank you again.”
“We saw you speak tonight. My son came up to you afterwards and chatted for a bit. Thank you so much for talking/listening to him. He said he ‘likes you a lot.’ We talked all the way home about what we learned from your talk. Jonah got really quiet and then said “Mom, I’m done with pot. I won’t do it anymore.” From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for what you do. And from the bottom of my heart I ache for your loss. My son has been dabbing and vaping this whole freshman year. We found out about it a month ago. I’m a nurse. How did I not know? Tonight I saw a glimpse of my old, friendly, sweet, talkative son. So I will take it. And I thank you. God Bless you and your family. I will remember Johnny always.”
“Your presentation was powerful and enlightening – one of the best I’ve heard in almost 23 years of doing this work. I truly believe the information and data you shared, along with Johnny’s story, is going to spark meaningful conversations in our community – creating opportunities for us to better educate families about the dangers of these products.
– Mike Wade, Coordinator, Community Wellness & Outreach, New River Valley Services
“I have just attended the Saltus Speaks with Laura Stack from Johnny’s Ambassadors. Wow. I thought I was kind of well-versed on marijuana with a teenager, but I knew NOTHING about 98% of what she spoke about. It was heartbreaking. Laura was inspiring. Her message is terrifying. Every parent and teacher needs to hear her speak. I cannot recommend that you go strongly enough. We have so much to learn about how this ‘innocent’ drug is damaging our children’s brains. Please go if you can. You won’t regret it. You will learn so much about such a readily available drug, which will scare the pants off you. Thank you to for bringing this talk to us (and for now giving me sleepless nights!), but we cannot continue to think of this drug as harmless. We dragged our daughter along, and she has since spent 25 minutes discussing the talk with us.”
– Samantha Willis, teacher, Saltus School, Bermuda
“I don’t remember another debate where so many people changed their minds. You were great, and I think the American experience that you outlined was crucial.”
– Sir Robin Murray, after the Maudsley Forum debates in the UK
“Laura delivers a heart-felt message with plenty of data and science to illustrate the dangers of today’s marijuana and high-THC concentrates. She’s a masterful speaker with a keen ability to tell a story that captivates the attention of kids and adults alike. I left her presentation saying, “I didn’t know what I didn’t know! What an eye-opener!”
– Chris Ridge, Director of Comprehensive Health and Prevention, Ventura County Office of Education
“This morning as my daughter was getting ready for school, she was telling me about the assembly they’d be having today. She didn’t want to attend, and said it was a “stupid marijuana assembly.” As a mom, I was concerned. She’s only 12, and I haven’t seen much of the teenage attitude like that…yet. So, I was surprised she felt that way, and we briefly talked about it, but I could tell I wasn’t making much of an impact. That conversation weighed heavily on my mind for most of the day. I knew it was a conversation I’d continue to have with her in the coming years and was anxious to hear what she thought this afternoon. When she got home today, I didn’t have to ask her about the assembly. My 7th grade daughter and I cried as she recalled Johnnys story and the heartbreak you have endured. From one mom to another, I wanted to let you know the profound impact Johnny’s life is already having on my daughter and how grateful I am that you have made the choice to turn your pain into progress in our communities. I know this can’t be easy, and I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find some comfort, however small, knowing that your family’s story will help others. Thank you for the courage and commitment you have to your children, you are inspiring as a mother.“
– A mom from Windsor Middle School, Windsor, CO
“I was so impressed that Laura was able to keep the attention of our 600+ student body (grades 7-12) for an hour. The way she shared Johnny’s story was moving, but she didn’t stop there. She backed up the story with facts and research that made Johnny’s story applicable to us all. We heard students leaving the school say, “That was the best assembly ever!” Many other students commented on how informative it was. I am going to be a better teacher and administrator moving forward because I now know the real dangers of THC and the effect it has on users. It was a wake-up call that I am grateful to have had.”
– Ted Gilbert, Principal, Karl Maeser Preparatory Academy, Lindon, UT
“Michael brought up to me about the assembly you had yesterday. He repeated facts and was surprised at what the mom had to say. For my kid to bring something like this up and talk about it for close to 20 minutes, she had a powerful impact! I’m thankful for her sharing her story!”
– A mom of a student to a school counselor
“Dear Mrs. Stack, my name is Ebenezer and I’m a senior at MBA. You came and spoke to us on Tuesday, and I just wanted to thank you. I know that your words have had a profound impact on me and my friends and taught us much about something that we never really thought could be dangerous. I don’t really know what else to say but thank you. Sincerely, Ebenezer”
“The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana” is a Must! One of the most powerful, authentically delivered, and science-informed educational awareness webinars I’ve seen for parents, adolescents, and prevention stakeholders that can save lives and promote healthy choices.”
– Deborah Nixon Hughes, Central East PTTC Project Director
“We recently had the opportunity to welcome Laura Stack to our campus to speak with parents, faculty, middle school students, and high school students and could not have been more impressed. Laura is a compelling and engaging public speaker and the information she shared was developmentally and age appropriate for each group. The combination of scientific-based research and the passion and heartbreak of Laura’s personal story led to three separate assemblies in which the audience was fully “locked in” to this critically important content. The feedback from parents and students was incredibly positive and having worked in education for more than 30 years, I can easily rank Laura among the very best outside speakers I have heard. If you can bring Laura to your campus, you will not regret it!”
– Chris Cleveland, Head of School, Wesleyan School, Atlanta, GA
“I would like to thank you so much for your time with us at Fox Lane High School. We have gotten so much positive feedback from our students and faculty. Thank you for your vulnerability and sharing your life with us. Thank you for educating our students on the negative impacts of marijuana on the adolescent brain. Your message was well received, and we were so appreciative to have you. We look forward to having you back next year!
– Angela Alvarado, LCSW, Student Assistance Counselor, Fox Lane High School, Bedford, NY
“We were able to send 11 SROs to this presentation. SRO Deputy Savage at Chaparral HS attended and was very impressed with her knowledge stating that Laura Stack was very well informed on the current trends and usage of marijuana by youth in the schools. He stated that it was the best presentation on THC that he has seen, and we hope to get her to speak in other schools so that all SROs can attend. In addition, I spoke to the YESS instructors, and they would like to ask her to speak at our next Parent Academy.“
– Lt. Rotherham, Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Juvenile/SRO Section
Thank you for the incredible presentation today! After 5 pages of notes (LOL, I write big), reflecting with my class of 7th graders, and then taking the time to have them write their thoughts/connections, I felt my eyes being opened yesterday. Not only did I learn some new terms (thankful to know the lingo that goes from a dance move to vaping), I learned some new things about my students:
* Most of them know of people (more specifically peers) that are currently using marijuana.
* Several of them are scared of HS because of peer pressure and scared of how to say no.
* All of them heard you and took something away.
When I hugged you, you told me that you just hoped that they heard something that would help them. Of the 24 in my class, I’d say that the percentage of success is very high! You are a force to be reckoned with and I am so grateful I was able to hear you speak. The best part is that I’m not the only one. I’m attaching a copy of the reflections that were shared with me. They didn’t have to share, they chose to. Please pay close attention to the end of the first one (you might want a Kleenex before you read it). Thank you again for taking the time to be vulnerable (I’m sorry for your loss), share what you learned on your journey (powerful to share what you didn’t know), and be a voice for change (you are making an impact)!
– Dawne Mangus, 7/8th grade Math/TIDES Teacher
“Thank you so much for speaking with our school and parent communities last week. We are already seeing the fruits of your talk! On Friday, we spent half of the school day debriefing from your talk and practicing refusal skills. Students have given the feedback that they appreciated the scientific approach of your talk and that it hit just the right note of being both compelling and focused on facts. I thought your talk was fantastic, and delivered in a way that guaranteed teenagers were receptive to it. We have had productive group and individual conversations, and students seem freer to talk about THC use and to express concerns to and about each other. You have given us a gift! Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and wisdom with us. Please be assured that you remain in our prayers. Thank you.”
– Krissie Betbeze, M.Ed., LCSW, Director of Personal Counseling, St. Cecilia’s Academy, Nashville
“Eyes opened. Jaws dropped. Minds blown. Hearts hurting. Marijuana madness. Who knew how dangerous it has proven to be! I surely didn’t until I read your book on Johnny’s life and death then even more information presented during your seminar on “The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana” in FL. Your topics explained so much: The brain connections and damage, the types of THC products easily available, the mental health issues that can be permanent, and the sad reality of suicide risk. You truly opened our eyes and front-loaded our team and community to better understand the danger of this substance that seems to be gripping our youth. Thank you for taking your pain and purposely making Johnny’s life count by educating our youth and community.”
– Susan Foley, Palm Beach County Behavioral Health Coalition
“Laura, THANK YOU so much for coming to EHS and sharing your story and message with our students! Johnny’s Ambassadors was so impactful for our students, staff, and community! Laura’s message is based on science and WHY teen brains should be protected from the dangers of THC. It’s also a message of hope so that today’s youth can make educated decisions about what they choose to put in their bodies. Our best hope is that they will remember her message and her son, Johnny when they are faced with the choice. Thank you, Laura Stack and the entire organization of Johnny’s Ambassadors for having the courage to share your tragic story in an attempt to save others. ”
– Jessica Grable, Principal, Eaton High School
“I was sad that he couldn’t get the help he needed. He kept trying but the drugs were stronger than him. But his mom is so strong.”– 8th grade student, Daly City, CA
“Laura Stack’s presentation was both informative and engaging. Her educational approach to the topic was welcomed by high school students, whom she captivated for the entirety of the presentation. Highly recommended.”
– Andrew Theado, Principal, Upper Arlington High School VA
“One of the best presentations I have ever heard in my 10+ years working in child welfare/prevention. I am STILL thinking about it and have shared with others. You are amazing.”
– Sarah Wiedenhoeft / AMP Statewide Coordinator, IA
“Thank you for sharing your incredible story, wisdom, and lessons learned with our school community. You bravely unpack everyday all parents greatest fear for the benefit and protection of complete strangers. The information you share is so current and cutting edge and yet the delivery has no judgment or shame attached to it. You allow students to evaluate their use without the usual condescension or fear tactics many adults use. And it’s impossible not to like you! In short, you are the perfect messenger of a difficult message. Thank you for all you do – everyday – your impact will know no bounds. With love and deep respect,“
– Joan Stewart, Student Assistance Counselor, Mahwah High School, NJ
“The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana” is a presentation every parent and high schooler should attend. It is a tragic and heartfelt story that can happen to any family. I asked an adult parent, “What is dabbing?” and he had no idea. I then asked my high school daughter, and she knew what it was and how popular it was for her age group. What is not known is how dangerous it is, and Johnny’s Ambassadors has taken on the mission to educate everyone on this danger. Everyone needs to know how dangerous today’s marijuana can be for our children!”
– Andy Tsui, Special Agent in Charge IRS Criminal Investigation, Executive Board Member of the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program
“This was truly the best presentation I’ve seen to date on the current state of marijuana. Those of us who work in prevention need to fully understand what you shared with us.”
– Carie Wimberly, Executive Director, Addiction Prevention Coalition
“Thank you for coming to Hancock County. To be completely honest, as a building administrator, I was concerned that the topics would be dark and emotionally challenging for students; especially in light of the recent trainings on student social/emotional awareness. However, I was so pleased with the delivery and the scientific approach you brought to our students. Tragedy is so often accompanied by a sense of shyness to verbalize the “why.” Sometimes, asking “how” is never answered, and you answered it so perfectly. Explaining how Johnny’s journey started and how impactful his life was (and continues to be) is relative to our students. Comparing the older version of drugs to the newer versions is brilliant. Thank you so much!”
Ginger Estes – Principal Hancock County High School
“Laura is one of the most effective speakers we have ever utilized. She speaks from the heart, coupled with knowledge and passion to connect with parents and students. This was our first in-person daytime event since the pandemic and to look at the faces in the audience, Laura has made an impact on so many students. Before the presentation, parents and even law enforcement were completely unaware of the dangers of high-potency THC and shocked at its effect on our youth.“
– Connie Bruno, Director, Program Development and Community Engagement
Manhasset Coalition Against Substance Abuse (CASA), Inc.
“I just wanted to say thank you for coming to Eaton Middle School today!! I am a parent of 5th and 6th grade boys as well as an educator. I was able to attend the assembly. Thank you for taking your pain and your story and allowing the Lord to use your pain for His good and glory! I am confident that what you are choosing to do will have an impact in so many lives; parents, educators and students! I learned so much as a parent and finally feel like I am not trying to play catch up to learn all this so that I can teach my boys about it. I no longer feel in the dark. I feel like I have the tools now to talk knowledgeably and comfortably with my boys about this topic. I am so thankful my 6th grader was able to hear all of this as well. We got in the car after school, and he immediately wanted to share it all with his little brother…so we did. Thank you!! I am so sorry for your loss in Johnny! Thank you for choosing to share and teach! I will be praying for your ministry!”
– Parent of Eaton CO Middle School student
“Laura’s presentation was very well received by our students and staff at Hershey High School. She did an outstanding job of educating us about the research around THC and how it can impact the human brain, especially in adolescents. She explains the research and also has a personal story to connect the presentation by telling about the impact her loss of Johnny has had and why we should be aware of the growing use of THC in teens. Her website and book “The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana” are great resources for students, parents, and educators who are looking for information about THC and how it can change a child’s life. I feel very fortunate that we were able to have Laura spend time at our school sharing her story and helping us learn more about Johnny’s Ambassadors!”
Jeff Steinbeck, 7th-12 grade Principal at Hershey High School NE
“Thank you so much for coming to Muskogee and sharing your story. Our feedback from students and adults has been wonderful. This presentation has truly touched the hearts of our community. So many parents are coming up to me and telling me that their student came home talking about the “Marijuana Presentation.” That was the goal. We want them to talk about it and to really think about it before trying it or continuing to use it. Thank you for helping us to start the conversation! “
– Candice Otto, NBN Drug-Free Communities Coordinator, Muskogee CAN (Community Anti-Drug Network) Coalition, OK
“We had Laura Stack speak to a gathering of our parents and students, and she was fantastic. Her presentation was a blend of her own family story with current data and trends. Throughout the presentation, Laura was engaged with the audience, using photos, studies, and even current legislation to paint a picture for our audience. The Q&A went on for a long time and people stayed for nearly an hour to talk more after her presentation concluded.”
– Prentice Stabler, Head of School, Ensworth Academy, Nashville TN
“Words cannot express how much we appreciated your presentation yesterday. The fact that you have been able to take what is arguably the most difficult experience anyone could have and turn it into a teaching tool with a cautionary word for others is so humbling for those of us who are in your presence. We will absolutely be in touch about having you join us again next year.”
– Kristen Arute, Program Director, Hingham Cares, Inc.
I brought Laura in virtually for my Drug Free Communities coalition to present on the up and coming marijuana issues our community will face with the new recreational marijuana law being passed. The majority of the audience was law enforcement and public health professionals and they were all very engaged during the training. They all responded and said that Laura was knowledgeable about the training topics and she was easy to follow. Getting an inside look at all of the different forms or marijuana was eye opening for the coalition members. Most of coalition members said they would love to have Laura in person to do another training, especially for our educators and I hope that this is something I can do for my coalition in the future. Laura’s presentations are valuable to anyone that wants to know about the dangers of marijuana!
– Jaylea Olson, Drug Free Communities Coordinator, Richland County Health Department
“Thank you so much for sharing your difficult but very important message with our students. You are a class act, and I really appreciate what you did for our students today!”
– George Pickup, Principal, Central Dewitt IA High School
“Johnny’s Ambassadors presentation ‘The Dangerous Truth of Today’s Marijuana,’ led by Laura Stack, was an outstanding experience for one of our local high schools. Laura was warm, engaging, and easily connected with the students in a relatable way. The students found the presentation informative and could apply what they learned to their own lives. Many felt comfortable asking Laura for additional resources afterwards, which she readily provided. They left feeling more confident and empowered to make healthy choices. I would highly recommend this evidence-based and data-driven presentation to anyone looking to educate youth on the risks of marijuana use.”
– Jaleese Simpson, CPS , Assistant Director, Cheatham County Community Enhancement Coalition
“Mrs. Stack’s presentations for both our families and students were very powerful, informative, and timely. Mrs. Stack used her personal experience as well as the latest research to help our school community better understand, in a very real and personal way, the negative impacts marijuana use can have on an individual, a family, a community. Students, parents, and school leaders alike spoke highly of Mrs. Stack’s presentations. And, we appreciate her positive, meaningful work borne out of the most difficult of circumstances.”
– Josh Whitlow, Principal, Hidden Valley High School, Roanoke VA
Your presentation on November 5, 2021 in Comfort Texas was very well received. We are still getting comments about how your story of the dangerous Truth about today’s Marijuana really opened the eyes of the attendees. Many said, “I had no idea marijuana could do that!” You have inspired our new nonprofit organization, Drug Free Comfort, to work with the local Sheriff’s office, School District, and our local Community Foundation to form a coalition to carry on the work you have started here in Comfort. We thank you for all you are doing.
– Dick Holmberg, Drug Free Comfort TX
“Laura Stack is not only a dynamic, well-versed speaker, but her connection with the students and parents alike is impressive. I was fortunate enough to meet Laura through loss, and although nobody wants to meet anyone through loss, I feel it a privilege to be able to work with her through my foundation. We have created a bond, which I feel is incredibly beneficial to the students in my community, and I am thrilled to be able to offer Laura as a speaker and educator. She is truly second to none. I would recommend her program to any school, any student, or any parent wanting an in depth look at the current trends in youth marijuana use.”
– Andrea Leland, Executive Director, Tigger Stavola Foundation
“We had the pleasure of having Laura Stack from Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Prevention present to our school. The presentation by Laura was something all students need to hear. She detailed her son’s experience and the dangers of marijuana in general and in particular for adolescents. The program was pulled at the heartstrings, provided an incredible amount of scientific data, and kept our students engaged for over an hour. The students and staff in the room gained knowledge about marijuana, and more importantly, the skills to avoid starting marijuana use in the first place. After the presentation, Laura and her husband John answered questions and provided advice to students, staff, and parents who had additional questions. This is a wonderful program and a much-needed reality check for students and the community!”
– Jeff Clinton, Principal, Manuel F. Cunha Intermediate School.
“We brought Laura to Roanoke, VA, to speak in our high schools and community. The scientific studies she shared can’t be argued with, unless you are blinded by the industry. The raw emotion of a mother who’s lost her son touches your heart. From the very beginning of her student presentation, Laura states, “I am Johnny’s mother – I am not your mother – and I’m not here to tell you what to do.” Her message to them was clearly to wait until your brain is developed. When addressing her adult audience, Laura is fully transparent about trying marijuana in her youth. She gives excellent explanations with concrete visuals to follow as to why this is “not the same pot.” She and her husband John stayed afterward to talk with anyone who had questions or needed support. This is a must-see presentation for anyone connected to the developing brains of our future generations. The train has left the station. Laura helps her audience navigate the “Now what?”
– Nancy Henderson, Project Coordinator, Prevention Council of Roanoke
Laura has a unique ability to weave credible antidotal details with strong relevant data. The outcome is an impactful presentation that links your heart and brain. I strongly encourage anyone whose personal or professional life involves the topic of marijuana to hear the Johnny’s Ambassadors’ message.
– Bill Elger, WPRC Coordinator, Youth & Family Services, Rapid City, SD
“Laura’s presentation to our students was incredibly informative and spot-on for what our students needed. We had Laura present to our entire 8th grade and I’m so glad that we did. Laura shares her personal family history, which connects with the students and their situations. She also shares the science behind marijuana, and its different variants and leaves no guessing for why students should stay away from marijuana. I would recommend Johnny’s Ambassadors to any other principal looking to bring a powerful speaker to their students about the dangers of marijuana.”
– Ben DArdenne, Principal, Sagewood Middle School, Parker, CO
“Laura Stack from Johnny’s Ambassadors met with our district staff virtually. She did an amazing job educating our staff about the dangers of marijuana on the brain. The visuals provided a real-life picture of how drug use can drastically change the lives of today’s adolescents in negative ways. Providing information about the definition of the terms associated with drug use was both enlightening and informative. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with Johnny’s Ambassadors in this very worthy cause.”
– Karen Haynes, Ph.D., LPC-S, Director for Mental Health and Social Services, Galena Park Independent School District
“Malone Middle School was very impressed with the Johnny’s Ambassadors presentation. The topics were very informative and dispelled many of the preconceived notions we have about marijuana. Laura was able to connect with our younger audience and speak at a level our students could relate to. Our student body conversations have grown exponentially around the dangers of marijuana.”
– Kurt M. Munson, Principal Malone Middle School
“Your message was very well received from students & teachers! I thought your delivery was right on-point! Our teachers shared that they liked that you weren’t “preaching at students but warning them & backing up your warnings with science.” Others said that your sharing of your son’s story really pulled the students in and kept their attention. I’ll be in touch again soon.”
– Angelle Reineck, Family Care Coordinator, Bryan Middle/High School
“Laura is PHENOMENAL. The personal storytelling experience, as Johnny’s mom, with THC combined with science, captured our students from the minute she started speaking. Laura is a great presenter, and her presentation resonated with many students. I have never seen so many students stay after a presentation to talk with the presenter. There were so many hugs, some laughs, and some tears. Laura truly impacted our student body, and I would highly recommend her to come to all schools.”
– Lyndsay Vesia, SAC/School Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist, Jefferson Township High School
“I wanted to share that we had a student recognize she was having issues from marijuana due to your talk, and she shared it with her mom and asked for counseling to help her stop. The mother called us and let her know that the Laura Stack program may have saved her daughter. That was an awesome call, and I wanted you to know.”
– Sharon Perkins, Stone County MO Coalition
“Laura Stack’s youth marijuana education presentation was exceptional. Her skill in engaging students while presenting this information was remarkable. The session not only held the attention of our students but also provided them with research-based insights about the impacts of marijuana on young people. We highly recommend Laura Stack to any school seeking impactful marijuana education programs.”
– Amy Stuart, Head of School, Renaissance Secondary School
“Thanks again for your honest and impactful presentation yesterday morning for our students and during the evening for our parents. Many of our teachers said this was the best assembly we’ve ever had at Cathedral! God bless you for your outstanding communication and how you helped all of us as we influence our youth and actually save many of their lives!”
– David L. Worland, Senior Vice President for Mission and Advancement, Cathedral High School, Indianapolis, IN
“Dear Laura, I just finished listening to the webinar you did for us and had to take a moment to thank you. Thank you for your passion and persistence. This webinar was the best I have ever attended. The information you shared was priceless, practical, and will save lives. There were so many takeaways for me but this one says it all: “Silence implies permission.” Your passion has re-ignited my passion to not be silent about marijuana and the many other issues we address. I am so sorry for your loss of Johnny, an amazing son! Thank you for sharing his life with all of us.”
– Jean Schumm, President & Founder, Operation Parent
“One of the best presentations I have ever heard in my 10+ years working in child welfare/prevention. I am STILL thinking about it and have shared with others. You are amazing.”
– Sarah Wiedenhoeft / AMP Statewide Coordinator, IA
“This was truly the best presentation I’ve seen to date on the current state of marijuana. Those of us who work in prevention need to fully understand what you shared with us.”
– Carie Wimberly, Executive Director, Addiction Prevention Coalition
“I was very moved to hear your story, and I am very grateful for the fact that you have been so dedicated to teaching teens about the downfalls of marijuana; from what I have learned, the negatives definitely outweigh the minimal, short-term positives. I have found this course to be very informing, and I never knew that the effects of smoking marijuana could be so severe.”
– A high school teen in NJ
“Thank you so much for your presentation Laura, it was excellent! I spoke to several students afterwards and it definitely got their attention. I would say that one thing that caught me off guard was how much science your presentation had (I loved it!). To get an actual sense of what it does to the brain and having it backed up with science and research (you can’t argue it!). Unfortunately I have seen way too many kids fall into the trap of substances, and it breaks my heart. This is our why and our best hopes; that we can do enough education around this topic in hopes of when a kid is in a situation where they are going to have to make a choice, that they have the skills and knowledge to make a calculated decision on what they put into their body. Thank you for your work around this topic and in your son’s honor. We appreciate you!”
– Tom Shannon, Vice Principal, Eaton CO School District K-12
Thank you again for coming to speak with our students—the assembly was a huge success! The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and the information you shared was truly needed. I wanted to share a story about one particular student that really stood out to me. The day before the assembly, she told me she wasn’t planning to attend. She’s someone I’ve been working with recently, as she’s experimented with marijuana and I’m trying to help her steer away from that path. To my surprise, not only did she attend the assembly, but she came to my office during lunch afterward to tell me how much she enjoyed it. This student has been struggling in school, particularly with focus and staying attentive in class. She said your explanation about what marijuana does to the brain was eye-opening—she had never heard it explained that way before. When I asked if attending the assembly would influence her decision the next time she’s offered marijuana, her response was, “A thousand times yes.” She said the combination of your slides and how you presented the information really resonated with her and shifted how she views marijuana. This is just one of many positive comments I’ve received about the assembly. Your message clearly made an impact, and I can’t thank you enough for your efforts. Keep up the incredible work—you’re truly making a difference!
– Ryan Farnsworth, Student Substance Abuse Advocate, Springville High School, UT
“I am the principal of Northside High School, and we were extremely fortunate to have Laura Stack in our building to present, “The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana” to both our students during the day and our parents in the evening. The increasing use of high-potency THC products in our schools is real. I deal with it daily and tell our students how it starts with just “recreational” vaping. To hear her personal story of her son’s struggle with addiction in the language the students know and understand made an impressionable impact on many. It opened the door for meaningful conversations in class and at home. I genuinely believe in Johnny’s Ambassadors mission in “each one, reach one.” If we continue the fight against this abuse, we can redirect the path for our teenagers.”
– Jill Green, Principal, Northside Highschool, Roanoke, VA
“Thank you so much…we loved having you with us and your presentation was so impactful and meaningful and educational…could not have asked for anything more. We are so grateful and know our community is better because of your input and story. Your heartfelt presentation was exactly how I wanted to begin our countywide prevention summit. Sharing your passion and devastating story along with powerful and compelling data is exactly the kind of approach that communities need. I think our audience really heard you and I can’t ask for more than that. I wanted to also share some of the participant comments from the evaluations:
- Unbelievably fantastic! I learned so much and found her so compelling!
- I appreciated how Laura Stack combined her very personal experience with losing her son with the science behind what happened and how much risk there is when youth use marijuana.
- Laura’s presentation left me feeling SO much more educated and inspired to continue the work we do. The way she broke down the differences within cannabis gave me a new level of understanding and why this issue is so important to address.
- Not only was Mrs. Stack’s presentation heartfelt, I learned a TON of information that I’ve already brought back to my organization and shared. I’ve also referred some love ones to watch Mrs. Stack’s presentation.
- Excellent presentation with actionable information for me as a city policy maker.
“I could not be more grateful for how you and your husband have set aside your lives to make the word a better place, in honor of Johnny. I know you are making a difference…the Sacramento County Coalition for Youth thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. Please let us know if we can ever come alongside you in your work, we are I this together and here for you!“
– Joelle Orrock, Sacramento County Coalition for Youth, Sacramento County Office of Education
From Rock Canyon High School:

4th Annual Cannabis Conference – Workshop Evaluation:
Comments from parent night in Hingham, MA on 9/27/22:
- Thank you. It was a phenomenal presentation. I wish you could be in every community and classroom. I have been studying the issue and your presentation gave me more facts that any others that I have been to.
- Excellent speaker. Learned a lot. She was well-informed.
- Very happy I attended. Very informative. Statistics were incredible.
- Eye opening. I had no idea about potency levels, various types of marijuana, and the link to psychosis. Thank you.
- Fabulous! Thank you! God Bless you all! I was 70% unaware of the facts.
- Very informative, great science behind the data. Truly believed “pot” was not addictive, but THC is! My son is 22 and has been adversely affected in similar ways – needed to leave college, psychotic break, delusional paranoid, and hospitalized 2x. Still struggling. Thank you for your sharing your story.”
- Very informative presentation. Thank you for turning your personal tragedy into a force for good to help save lives of so many young adults.
- Your presentation is so engaging. I’m a nurse anesthetist and give anesthesia for endoscopies. If a kid, usually a boy/young man, is coming for a “belly pain,” I automatically ask them how much pot they smoke, and usually they are having withdrawals.
- This was an excellent presentation. I learned so much and feel more prepared to help my teens navigate this world with this new, more potent and potentially deadly levels of THC in marijuana. Thank you. I know this will really help me & my family.
Comments from Teens from Laura’s presentation in Stone County, MO on Oct. 13, 2022:
I’ve struggled with addiction for about 2 ½ years. I attended one of the Johnny’s Ambassador’s presentations. I went thinking that I know everything I needed to about marijuana already, but at the event I learned I was wrong. I learned about how weed is received to the 2 cannabinoid receptors. I learned about how the statistics of weed and hospital visits and weed consumption in general has gotten way bigger over the last 20 years. I saw how the average THC percentage has grown tremendously since the 90’s till now. I learned about how harmful it can be physically and mentally, which made me think about how it made my mental health horrible. I learned a lot, so thank you for shedding light on the things not told. I appreciate it.
I wanted to say how thankful I was for your message. It sounded so similar to what me and my friends went through with our wax addiction. It’s crazy that you’re moving to Castle Rock. That’s where I lived for my whole life. Keep your message going.
Hi. I’m 17 years old. I went to hear Laura Stack speak at Reeds Springs at Reeds Springs Middle School last Thursday. It was super awesome. Since I’ve been here, I’ve not wanted to go out and relapse, but I’ve still kinda thought about maybe smoking weed when I’m older, but hearing that talk and learning some of the facts about what weed and dabs do to you it was a huge eye opener for me. It definitely makes me think about weed differently, and I know the possibility if I was to go out and smoke. I think it’s super cool what Ms. Stack is doing. She is saving lives, and I got lots of respect for their movement.
We have a lot of us here that smoked weed and most of us didn’t wonder what we were smoking. We just kinda smoked it. One day a staff member from our program took us to see a speaker named Laura Stack. She talked about dabbing and the effects of it and the new dangers. I had no idea what went into dabs until she told us about it. It was really crazy how it all works. It really gave me the information I need to understand how it all works. Don’t Smoke dabs or weed.
Hello, I have a history of substance abuse, including marijuana. I looked forward to going to hear Laura Stacks talk about her son Johnny. I learned a lot about marijuana and dabs that I never knew, some of that information would have prevented me from smoking from the start. I am glad that there is an organization like Johnny’s Ambassadors to prevent this sort of thing from happening over and over again. I learned a lot. Thank you.
I attended Mrs. Stacks dabbing seminar. It was really beneficial to me because it definitely showed me that there’s way more to it than “Just weed.” I planned to smoke weed when I got out but not anymore thanks to Mrs. Stack.
I like how Laura Stacks brought facts to the table about dabbing and weed. I learned that weed is toxic even if it is the low dose of THC because they use chemicals to extract the THC. This helped me a lot. I am an addict of weed and pills, and I’ve had family die from drugs, and I know the pain of losing a family member to drugs. Thank you for the awesome talk. #StopDabbing
I went to hear Ms. Laura Stack talk about weed and some of the side effects. It was very cool hearing some facts that I did not know, and it definitely changed my opinion on weed and thinking it was just a plant. I now see how much weed has changed and how synthetic it is now. I really support her movement and hope she can reach kids struggling with addiction.
Feedback from various webinars from individuals:
Prompt: What did you find most helpful?
- The testimony the parent who has lost a child from the addiction of marijuana. The different signs that can be missed even when you’re trying to be the perfect parent.
- The other side of the story when it comes to marijuana
- The potency of the current marijuana and how it negatively impacts teens brain and behavior. Very scary.
- I found it extremely helpful to know the different types of THC products available. Tampons??? I’m blown away.
- EVERYTHING – Our 15 yr. old started smoking and vaping in middle school. We started to go to a parent group and there first heard of ‘dabs’. Didn’t know much other than it was higher concentration – but didn’t realize what that truly meant. Nothing else was covered, it was just mentioned by another parent.
- Everything. As a mom to a teen and prevention specialist, I always learn new strategies and tips, and I appreciate how candid and open Laura was about her story and advocating for young adults.
- I didn’t realize how many forms of THC was available and how many chemicals that goes into some of these substances.
- I realized I had an antiquated view of marijuana. I had no idea about the latest methods.
- This family is just like ours, minus the addiction. It can happen in the best families with the most attentive parents. Zero tolerance of any substance is a must!
- I appreciated the thorough scientific research into the different types of marijuana being used today and the science of how this can affect the brain.
- All of it! One of the best I’ve ever seen! Heart-wrenching but excellent. This mother is a super star.
- I work in the prevention field, and all the info on dabbing was eye opening, as was the mention of protective factors, which we preach often to parents, and how sometimes it isn’t enough. The more facts I learn, the better so that I can pass them off when I talk to teens.
- So much great information, especially the mental health diagnosis that can come after marijuana use
- Just hearing Johnny’s story and how people always say that marijuana is not bad but hearing ways that it is makes me more informed.
- Laura’s firsthand experience of everything she talked about. Her giving her witness of her own and her son’s story. The real-life examples and stories.
- The emphasis on drug education v just arguing ‘drugs are bad”
- The journey and how marijuana is being used by teens to be masked and to be socially acceptable
- Education on high potency marijuana and provided more information to youth regarding the dangers
- The personal story from a mom whose child dealt with addiction.
- How the transition, from healthy individual to someone who became addicted to marijuana, was told/presented.
- The different ways children have access to the drug.
- It validated the beliefs that I had about my ex-husband’s behavior and its relationship to vaping THC.
- It helps us to be aware of what marijuana can do in one’s body and health.
- We have a big rise of suicide in our town. Everything helped. Too many tears
- EVERYTHING!! This is the BEST webinar I have ever attended! I liked that we got to see the life of Johnny with the video and then how Marijuana impacted Johnny’s life.
- Laura’s courage and perspective as a parent who did all the right things and raised a very smart young man – while a devastating story, it is an important wake-up call to similar parents who also have high-performing kids. Getting the information on the neurological effects of THC and how products are marketed is extremely helpful, too. Johnny’s story left a profound impression on me. Thank you for making this program available.
- Wonderful information that can be used in our prevention efforts in our community.
- Pictures and facts of the different high potency options of marijuana
- The big variety of “products” with high THC concentrations and the values of the THC concentrations compared to the marijuana when we grew up
- The truth does not deter politicians from being bought and willing to do anything for tax revenue!
- The scientific facts presented in a way that was understandable. Also, the story telling is very powerful.
- I really didn’t know that the current marijuana isn’t really a plant substance.
- The importance of the difference between the weed of my day and the potency of what is available to adolescents today.
- Johnny’s story, breakdown on the brain science, and the fact all the protective factors were in place.
- I thought the combination of her personal story about Johnny and the statistics/research was all very good information.
- Laura did an excellent job, placing information with a real-life story is super impactful!
- I found everything to be helpful, but I enjoyed her personal stories of her interactions with her son.
- Information about the law that was passed in Colorado limiting concentrate levels
- Her vast knowledge on this topic. Explaining the difference in marijuana composition from years past to current state. Scromiting…yuck. Never heard that term, but it paints a vivid image of what people are going through. Current statistical information and not just limited to U.S. data.
- How dangerous edibles are.
- The insight into the THC induced psychosis… Such powerful information!
- Johnny’s story and how his mother wants to prevent it from happening to others.
Feedback from 4/28/22 session of the Stanford Teaching Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Conference:
Prompt: What are 2-3 things you learned from this workshop that you can use in your everyday job?
- I did not know Marijuana can cause Psychosis.
- The dangers, the misconceptions, the courage of this mom….
- WOW! So heartwarming and extremely informative!! I will definitely share Johnny’s story and Laura’s great advice.
- The importance to have an open and clear conversation about the dangers of using thc.
- Have a word between you and your child if they need to be picked up from a dangerous place or party.
- Laura Stack has channeled her grief into an amazing teaching tool. I didn’t want to watch. I have 4 grown children and can’t imagine her heartbreak. Not only is her story mesmerizing, but her information is critical.
- The truth about the dangers of todays marijuana, dabbing, and speaking to youth at an early age.
- I have attended Laura’s workshops in the past and every time, I learn something new. She is very well educated on the dangers of cannabis use in the adolescent and her shared experiences are very profound. I applaud her and her family for continuing to “spread the message.” God Bless them!
- Any Cannabis THC over 10% is considered high potency and CIP = Cannabis induced psychosis.
- This is the second time that I have heard Laura present Johnny’s story, and I refer many of the community groups I work with to learn Johnny’s story and talk about the dangers of Cannabis and Psychosis.
- All about high potency THC, wow, didn’t realize all the different choices!
- There is no amount of THC that should be allowed in adolescent’s brain development. Daily marijuana use is linked to higher rates of suicidality.
Additional comments:
- Beyond words. This was so powerful.
- Our deeply condolences for your beautiful son lost, Laura. It is very powerful mission of work that you are doing every day. Thank you so much for your courage and consideration of saving someone’s live with your story, as well helping us as parents or marijuana use providers. Yes THC law makers should build penalties to cannabis stores who are killing our kids by selling all these unregulated products or too high level with the intention of creating addiction.
- Thank you Laura! God is using you to change lives and to save lives. I know you didn’t ask for this mission & purpose, but I honor you for your message.
- She was amazing! Powerful testimony that should receive lot of exposure.
- Her story is powerful, and she is an excellent speaker that keeps you engaged!
- Will definitely follow on FB and use your curriculum in my class. This was the best session I attended! Thank you!
- Thank you so much for sharing your story.
- Best session!
- GREAT Story! Thank you for sharing.