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Cannabis abuse and dependence are combined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, 2013 (DSM-5) as Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD), which is a behavioral disorder that can occur with chronic cannabis use. The DSM-5 defines CUD as, “A problematic pattern of cannabis use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least 2 of the following, occurring within 12 months.”
Answer the following questions YES or NO. Do you:
- Develop withdrawal symptoms when you don’t use THC, which can be relieved by taking more THC?
- Take THC in larger amounts or for longer than you intended?
- Want to cut down or stop using THC but can’t?
- Spend a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of THC?
- Have strong cravings and urges to use THC?
- Not manage to do what you should at work, home, or school because of your THC use?
- Continue to use THC, even when it causes problems in your relationships?
- Give up important social, occupational, or recreational activities because of THC use?
- Use THC again and again, even when it puts you in danger?
- Continue to use, even when you know you have a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by THC?
- Need more THC because you can’t get the same effect as before?
How many times did you answer YES?

A user doesn’t have to experience all 11 of the criteria to have Cannabis Use Disorder. The DSM-5 classifies SUD indicators into four categories:
- Impaired Control is described questions 1-4.
- Social Impairment is described by questions 5-7.
- Risky Use is described by questions 8-9.
- Pharmacological Indicators of Tolerance and Withdrawal are described by questions 10-11.