Marijuana Facts Graphics

MARIJUANA FACT: “A federal policy loophole allows psychotropic cannabis products to be commercially marketed and sold across the US—including in states where recreational cannabis is not legal.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a poorly understood vomiting disorder associated with chronic cannabis use.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Researchers found that any use of marijuana was associated with increased risk of self-reported psychotic disorders.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use should be delayed as late as possible in adulthood . . . to decrease the risk of negative outcomes.”

MARIJUANA FACT: “Recreational legalization is likely to increase cannabis use among adolescents and young adults who perceive cannabis as less harmful.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in older children and teens.”

MARIJUANA FACT: ” . . . there is no clear, long-lasting, positive impact on depression symptoms from marijuana use.”

MARIJUANA FACT: “Earlier onset cannabis use, compared to late-onset, led to increased neurodevelopmental disruptions that resulted in functional and/or structural changes.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “. . . the primary motivation to use it is to get high and the primary motivation to sell it is to make money.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Persons with substance use disorders are at high risk for overdose and other harms.”

MARIJUANA FACT: “Schizophrenia is strongly linked to a higher-than-normal chance of suicide and suicide attempts.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Neuroimaging studies are helping us to build a model for how the brain contributes to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Deaths of despair” from suicide, drugs, and alcohol have reached a historic high.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “There are robust associations between cannabis use and psychosis risk.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Findings suggest that an earlier onset of regular use and persistent use may adversely affect cognitive functioning.”

MARIJUANA FACT: “Lasting at least 48 hours, cannabis-induced psychosis can occur during intoxication or withdrawal.”

MARIJUANA FACT: “There is concern that the increasing THC content in products will result in significantly greater road safety risks.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Understanding how substance use can impact the formative choices in young adulthood is critical to help position the new generations for success.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use is associated with increased risk for serious adverse health events and its recreational consumption is not benign.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Use of higher potency cannabis was associated with an increased risk of psychosis and CUD.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “There is increasing research demonstrating that regular use of marijuana with THC greater than 10% can result in development of psychotic symptoms.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “The cannabis-psychosis link may be most strongly relevant for high-potency cannabis.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis intoxication leads to small to moderate deficits in several cognitive domains.. . . the detrimental effects of cannabis persist beyond acute intake.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Aberrant shape development pattern of the hippocampus was observed in young adults with HCU.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Similar to tobacco and opioids, public health is experiencing harms due to commercialized marijuana that are not disclosed to the public.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis smoking increased the risk of suicide attempt, ideation and planning in individuals 11–21 years of age.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use is associated with increased risk for serious adverse health events and its recreational consumption is not benign.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use is associated with worsened course and functioning of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Heavy, chronic, and early cannabis use that is not confounded by other drug use is associated with psychosis-relevant phenomena and cognitive deficits.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Long-term cannabis users showed IQ decline from childhood to midlife, poorer learning and processing speed, and informant-reported memory and attention problems.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use can result in adverse health outcomes, mostly among sub-groups with higher-risk use.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Adolescent use of marijuana with higher THC concentration (>10% THC) is associated with continued use and development of future mental health symptoms and disorders.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Both high- and low-frequency marijuana usage were associated with a significantly increased risk of schizophrenia.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Heavy, chronic, and early cannabis use that is not confounded by other drug use is associated with psychosis-relevant phenomena and cognitive deficits.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Results indicate that legal medical marijuana, particularly when available through retail dispensaries, is associated with higher opioid mortality. ”
MARIJUANA FACT: “The cannabis industry has an interest in creating a regulatory environment which maximizes profits at the cost of public health, similar to the tobacco, alcohol, and food industries.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “People who used cannabis nondaily, fewer than 300 days a year, were more likely to have suicidal ideation and to plan or attempt suicide than those who did not use the drug at all.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Recent data suggests associations between self-reported psychotic disorder and frequent nonmedical cannabis use and cannabis use disorder.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Legalization of adult cannabis use may increase cannabis use and dependence among adolescents and young adults.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “There are no observed benefits of obtaining a medical marijuana card for pain, anxiety, or depressive symptoms.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Young marijuana users who have a history of stroke or TIA remain at significantly higher risk of future stroke.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Self-harm injuries associated with recreational cannabis appear to be concentrated in young males.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “While many substances are known to induce psychosis, the risk for conversion to schizophrenia is greatest with cannabis-induced psychosis.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Worse driving performance is evident for several hours postsmoking in many users.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Greater local control on retail marijuana sales may help to reduce marijuana availability and use among adolescents.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Studies show that nine out of 10 teens who successfully commit suicide portrayed some signs of depression or psychiatric illness beforehand.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Increasing use of cannabis is a likely cause of increasing incidence of schizophrenia.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Marijuana use among college students in states where recreational pot has been legalized has gone up while binge drinking has gone down.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use in youth may lead to reduced educational attainment, and, in adults, to poor work performance and dangerous driving.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “An 18-year-old in Colorado (whose brain is not yet fully developed and can’t purchase tobacco or alcohol legally) can obtain a medical marijuana card without parental knowledge or approval. ”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Suicidal ideation in teens is often caused by untreated depression or drug misuse and always needs to be taken seriously.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “The links between cannabis use and severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and psychosis are well researched.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Adolescent cannabis use may be linked to long-term harms, including cognitive impairment and increased risk of schizophrenia.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use is consistently associated other substance use, greater psychiatric severity, and self-harm/suicidality.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Because cannabis oil contains a greater level of THC than cannabis flower products, intervention and prevention measures are urgently needed.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Marijuana use in adolescence is linked with an increased risk of depression, as well as suicidal thoughts and attempts, before age 32.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis may contribute to increased risk for mental disorders, which has actually been shown in schizophrenia.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use during middle to late adolescence may be associated with altered cerebral cortical development.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “In adolescents/young adults with opioid use disorder, smoking marijuana appeared to enhance cravings and urges for opiates and promoted relapse to opiate use.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Delta-8 THC products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA . . . manufacturers are packaging and labeling these products in ways that may appeal to children (gummies, chocolates, cookies, candies, etc.).”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Alcohol use, marijuana use, hospitalization and sexual orientation are significant predictors of suicide attempts.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Adolescent cannabis use is associated with an increased risk for psychosis later in life.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Males, adolescents/young adults and individuals with lower educational levels are more likely to be current users of cannabis and are at a greater risk of having a CUD.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “While the issue of teen suicide is complex, there is now substantial research linking heavy and early marijuana use to an increased risk of self-harm among users.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Annual marijuana use has continued to increase over the past five years for college students, reaching the highest level in over three-and-a-half decades in 2020.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use during adolescence was associated with depression and suicidality in adult life.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use was associated with higher prevalence of suicidal ideation, plan, and attempt among US young adults with or without depression, and the risks were greater for women than men.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Emerging adults, Black/African American, and Hispanic/Latinx groups had elevated risk of co-occurring suicide attempts and CUD.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis may contribute to increased risk for mental disorders, which has actually been shown in schizophrenia.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “There is increasing research demonstrating that regular use of marijuana with THC greater than 10% can result in development of psychotic symptoms.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis use disorder is a common comorbidity and risk marker for self-harm, all-cause mortality, and death by unintentional overdose and homicide among youths with mood disorders.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Frequent vaping of cannabis is increasing among adolescents in the United States, particularly among selected subgroups.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Adolescents who frequently use cannabis may experience a decline in Intelligence Quotient (IQ) over time.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Daily use of highly potent cannabis is associated with more severe psychological symptoms, such as psychoses, mania, and suicidality.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Cannabis users who began regular use in their teens had poorer later life outcomes than non-using peers.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Adolescent cannabis use is associated with an increased risk for psychosis later in life.”
MARIJUANA FACT: “Even people who used cannabis nondaily, fewer than 300 days a year, were more likely to have suicidal ideation and to plan or attempt suicide than those who did not use the drug at all.”