Johnny’s Ambassadors SURVIVORS WEEKEND
Friday, November 20 at 11:00 AM MST: Johnny’s one-year death anniversary. Laura Stack will tell Johnny’s story publicly for the first time. There is no cost for this one-hour event to hear from and interact with Laura and hear other’s stories. Registration is free; however, we will happily accept donations in Johnny’s memory to fund our ongoing teen marijuana curriculum development. Johnny would have been 20 years old, so if you donate $20 or more, you’ll receive a special t-shirt (blue ink on light gray soft t-shirt) warning about how THC can lead to suicide.
Saturday, November 21 at 3:00 PM MST: International Survivor of Suicide Loss Day. Anyone in our Johnny’s Ambassadors community who has been affected by suicide due to substance use and mental illness will gather virtually to pour out our love on each other. We’ll remember our loved ones in a special round robin ceremony and remind each other to take care of ourselves. You’ll need a candle, bubbles, and a photo of your loved one. Please share this event with others. Register here for free. You decide if and how much you wish to donate to Johnny’s Ambassadors in memory of your loved one. If you donate $20 or more in your loved ones memory, you’ll receive this special t-shirt.

We are ONLY printing as many orders as we receive. The t-shirts cost $20+ to print on demand and drop ship, so we welcome any additional amounts. Make sure to include your size in the comments. I look forward to connecting with you in a meaningful way.
Johnny’s Ambassadors 2021 Calendar of Events
February 9: Johnny’s birthday. He would have been 21, so we’re hosting an amazing one-day conference for teens. How much is registration? Of course, $21.
February 14: Donor day. Johnny created a living legacy of generosity with his ultimate gift of love. You can give gifts of love, which we will raffle off and sell.
April 18: 420 Counter-Weed Day. This will be a Teen Talent Tour, featuring a famous emcee, highlighting videos of teens doing amazing acts/hobbies/talents.
May 1-30: Mental Health Awareness month will feature a Marijuana Prevention Challenge
May 12: National Substance Abuse Prevention Week – Preventing Illicit Drug Use and Youth Marijuana Use Day. Peer-to-peer fundraising and a one-day conference for parents with speakers and a panel of experts.
July 10: 710 Day (Oil upside down): #StopDabbing comedy tour.
Sept. 19: 2nd Annual Johnny’s Ambassadors #StopDabbing walk for National Suicide Awareness month
Oct. 3-9: Mental Illness Awareness Week
Nov. 20: Johnny’s death date, which is also International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Dec. 1-31: #GivingTuesday kick-off to end-of-year campaign
Ongoing fundraiser: #StopDabbing for Teen Mental Health
Johnny’s Ambassadors is raising funds for an innovative online curriculum to teach teens about the dangers of mental harm from marijuana use.
Please help us continue our development of a critical online nationwide marijuana curriculum for teens to get them to #StopDabbing. You can sponsor one, ten, 100 teens, or more!
About the Campaign
Did you know your child can get mental illness from using marijuana? “Nah,” you say? “I used it when I was a kid, and I’m fine,” you say? “Kids will be kids,” you say? That’s what I used to think until my 19-year-old son, Johnny, died by suicide from delusional schizophrenia caused by marijuana-induced psychosis. After Johnny died, we formed a 501c3 charity, Johnny’s Ambassadors, to educate parents and teens about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development and suicide. We don’t take a position on legalization and believe adults should have the right to use it if they choose. We are talking about adolescent mental health here.
I do not believe anyone thinks 13-year-olds should use marijuana recreationally. There is a reason it’s not legal until 21. The problem is that adolescents believe that because it’s legal, it must be safe. You don’t think they are doing it, but they are (I say after talking to 100s of teens who parent’s don’t know). They won’t tell you, because you won’t approve. But it’s everywhere, legal or not.
Sadly, adolescents’ perception of harm is very low. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Today’s marijuana products have up to 99% THC content (the active ingredient that gets your high), and even flower can be 30% THC. When we were teens in the 70s and 80s, it was 2-5% THC. It is a different drug today, and it impacts youth mental health. High-potency THC used during critical adolescent brain formation stage causes mental harms, including schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar. Half of all schizophrenics attempt suicide, and 10% complete it.
We are raising funds to continue our development of a critical online nationwide marijuana curriculum for teens to get them to #StopDabbing. There is nothing like this available currently. The platform is pricey, and we are raising funds for a half million teens to access this education within the next three years. Would you please donate $4.20 for one child to take this training?
Why $4.20? Not coincidentally, $420 is the monthly fee for 1000 users on our platform, because 420 is marijuana date in pot culture. By symbolically helping one child avoid a PREVENTABLE MENTAL ILLNESS, you are saving a life. Could you donate $42 or possibly $420 for 100 children to learn about the dangers of marijuana on their brains?
This is what happened to Johnny. He was not psychotic before using marijuana, and after many years of increasingly heavier, frequent use of dabs, he developed delusions that didn’t resolve when marijuana was discontinued. He had no THC in his toxicology report when he died. The schizophrenia was permanent from so much marijuana use when he was a younger teen. Six days before he died of suicide, he said he was set up by the mob, his university was secretly a military base, and everyone knew everything about him (see graphics). Please do not let this happen to your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, students, or loved ones.
If you have children in your life in middle or high school (and sadly, even elementary school these days), it is critical to TELL YOUR KID about the dangers. And of course, take our curriculum (targeted early spring 2021). Had the facts been known that cannabis can cause psychosis (having cannabis-related psychosis forecasts over 30% risk of later having schizophrenia), then maybe my son would have changed his use. Maybe not, but maybe. I am passionate about sounding the alarm to prevent the loss of any more beautiful children. Once you hear this message, you will too. I don’t want you to say, “I didn’t know.” Please help us prevent adolescent mental illness! It’s our duty as parents to educate our children about the dangers of marijuana on adolescent brain development, because the government, the pot industry, and the media aren’t going to do it for you.
The potential for cannabis to cause psychosis has been described in medical literature for more than 150 years. Modern study methods such as consumer side effect surveys, human clinical laboratory experiments, and placebo-controlled clinical trials have repeatedly shown that cannabis can produce psychosis among some people. Will that include your child? Are you willing to take that risk?
Please donate $4.20, $42, $420 or any amount!
Thank you! Love, Laura (Johnny’s mom and Founder of Johnny’s Ambassadors)