Certified Johnny’s Ambassadors Trainer

James Henning served over 31 years with the Denver Police Department and recently retired after attaining the rank of Commander. Working his way from Patrol to Command Staff, James worked assignments in Training, Communications, Vice/Drug, Administration, and served as the Commander of the Investigative Support Division.
In 2012, James became Lieutenant of the Vice/Drug control unit. That same Fall, Colorado was the first state to legalize the production, sale, and possession of recreational Marijuana. In his role as lieutenant, James took the lead in developing the Denver Police Department’s policy, procedure, and implementing Municipal Code and State Law to address the complicated issues created by the new law. James was a founding member of the Denver Marijuana Policy Team and worked collaboratively with other city agencies, state agencies, and community organizations in the development of these polices and trained and presented to DPD and every other city agency on their roll out and implementation. James has made countless presentations concerning the impact of marijuana legalization to Law Enforcement, law makers, judges, legislative aids, prosecutors, media and other interested parties from across the State of Colorado, the United States, and the world.
As the Commander of the DPD Investigative Support Division from 2016 – 2020, James lead the DPD Vice/Drug Unit, Excise and Licensing team, Gang Unit, Intelligence Unit, Human Trafficking Team, various task forces, and created the Real Time Crime Center. James created the first collaborative human trafficking team with the Denver Police Department, the Denver District Attorney’s Office, and victim service providers. In his various roles, James also assisted with the application and administration of numerous state and federal grants totaling more than $10M.
When he is not teaching, James enjoys fishing, woodworking, reading, and spending time with his family and granddaughters.
In addition to the Johnny’s Ambassadors material, James presents this topic:
A Guide to HOW Marijuana and THC Concentrates are Produced
There are many misperceptions about how marijuana and marijuana concentrates are produced, who is producing them, and their value. In addition to the licensed industry, these products are being produced by your neighbors and criminal organizations in homes, apartments, backyards, and commercial properties. This course is designed to provide parents with an understanding of how marijuana is grown and processed and then how the concentrates are extracted from the plant material. The production techniques utilized present numerous and sometimes deadly hazards to the producers, their families, their neighbors, and our communities. An understanding of these methods also provides parents with a broader understanding of the ‘Cannabis Culture’ they are confronting when they educate their teens about the use of marijuana.
Learning Objectives:
- Utilizing photos and firsthand accounts, the instructor will provide parents an understanding of growing techniques, and the various methods utilized to extract cannabinoids from plant materials to produce high THC concentrates.
- Outline the hazards to growers, children, and communities that the licensed and unlicensed production of marijuana and marijuana concentrates present.
- Explain expected harvest yields and the value of marijuana and concentrates on the licensed and illicit market.
- Outline the dangers the production of marijuana and concentrates present to Drug Endangered Children.