Yes, Marijuana is Addictive
Featured expert: Libby Stuyt, MD
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Many people believe that marijuana is not addictive, but this is not true. Especially with the higher potency THC marijuana, it is definitely addictive, more so if you start using marijuana before your brain fully develops, as in before the mid 20s. Once addicted, users can experience an uncomfortable withdrawal syndrome that encourages continued use. Using marijuana addictively can lead to other problems including psychosis, mood swings, thoughts of suicide, and cannabis hyperemesis syndrome.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this 45-minute webinar, participants will learn how to:
- Understand how marijuana use can result in addiction
- Recognize signs and symptoms of addiction/withdrawal with marijuana
- Describe consequences from regular marijuana use such as psychotic symptoms, thoughts of suicide, and cannabis hyperemesis syndrome
Speaker Bio
Dr. Stuyt is a board-certified Addiction Psychiatrist and has worked in the addiction/behavioral health field since 1990. She was the Medical Director for the Circle Program, a 90-day inpatient treatment program, funded by the state of Colorado, for persons with co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse who have failed other levels of treatment since 1999. She retired from this position in 2020 and is currently motivated to educate as many people as possible on the un-intended consequences seen from the commercialization of marijuana in Colorado, focusing primarily on the deleterious effects of high potency THC on the developing brain and mental health.
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