The Natural Progression of Vaping to Marijuana to Opiate Abuse: A Recipe for Disaster
Featured expert: William Lynch
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With the COVID-19 pandemic 2020 has seen an increase in overdose deaths beyond the highest numbers of overdose deaths ever recorded in 2019. Youth in our country often start experimenting with alcohol, marijuana and tobacco. This can lead to the unfortunate use of other substances and development of substance use disorders (SUD) as use increases. Vaping entered the scene in 2016 and has dramatically increased amongst our youth and young adults. Vaping provides a new delivery system to obtain higher levels in the body of substances being used and abused. Many individuals have engaged in vaping and now information clearly demonstrates that there is a natural progression from vaping to marijuana to opiate/opioid abuse. This presentation will review the clinical data which shows this natural progression to truly have scientific merit.
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the increased use of vaping, especially among our youth and young adults, and how vaping enhances the levels (bioavailability) of substances causing further difficulties.
2. To obtain knowledge about the multiple different substances both legal and illicit that are being abused via vaping.
3. To achieve better comprehension on how vaping has been designed and clearly demonstrated to lead to marijuana use and abuse.
4. To understand how marijuana use contributes and progresses to opiate/opioid misuse and abuse.
Speaker Bio
William J. Lynch Jr. received his pharmacy degree from Rutgers University and is a practicing clinical pharmacist with Jefferson Health System where he is a member of the Pain Management & Addiction Committee and Hospital Pharmacy Focus Group. He serves as Adjunct Faculty at the Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine. His pharmacy background includes over 34 years of clinical practice at Jefferson and Rowan and also as a clinical preceptor for Rutgers University, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. He is a member of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, National Marijuana Initiative Speakers Bureau (ONDCP HIDTA NMI). He is also a health care professional partner of the Keep Delaware Safe & Healthy Coalition and for the State of Delaware Substance Abuse Epidemiological Outcomes Working Group. Bill serves as an Advisory Board Member with atTAcK addiction and is also a member of the Camden County New Jersey Addiction Awareness Task Force where he serves as the Education and Prevention Committee CoChair. He is a certified State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Division of Criminal Justice Police Training Commission Instructor. He also serves as the Gloucester Township Police Department SAVE Program Adviser and as a New Jersey State Police Regional Operations Intelligence Center Drug Monitoring Initiative Fusion Center partner and Health and Prevention Sharing Network partner.
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