Just Say Know (TM) Graphics you are free to use to help youth Just Say KNOW to marijuana! Print 16×20 Poster Versions of These Graphics Marijuana Use CAUSES 30% of All Schizophrenia Cases in Young Men Ages 21-30 If they would not have used marijuana, they would not have developed schizophrenia. – National Institutes of Health THC = 1 Substance in CO Teen Suicides– Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Concentrations of THC Increase – Anxiety Increases– pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22775447 Don’t think marijuana gets into the hands of kids?In 2021, only 80 compliance checks were completed forthe 1,074 marijuana dispensaries in CO. Only 16 were done in the 1st quarter of 2022.– CO Marijuana Enforcement Division #1 Contributor to Future Opioid Use = Marijuana UseMarijuana use before the age of 18 increases the risk of using and developing addiction to opioids.– 2019 CDC Youth Risk Behavioral Study What Kills Most Teens in Colorado? SUICIDEWhat Substance is Most Found After They Die? THC– Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Think Marijuana is Safe?Cannabis use is associated with increased risk for serious adverse health events. Compared with control individuals, cannabis users had significantly increased odds of all-cause ER visit or hospitalization.– BMJ Open Respiratory Research Teen THC Use = Poor Mental Health and Addiction in AdulthoodCannabis effects on mental health and addiction-related outcomes were worse in adolescents and early cannabis initiators.– Frontiers in Psychiatry 50 Woodstock Joints = 1 Marijuana Dab– Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Use = STRONG Association with DevelopingPsychotic Symptoms in Adulthood• Hallucinations• Paranoia• Delusional beliefs– Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Want to Have Kids Someday?Marijuana use can reduce sperm count by 50+%.– Am J Epidemiol Teen THC Use = 5x increase inpsychotic disorders– Lancet Psychiatry Daily or near-daily marijuana use by adolescents and young adults is strongly associated with developing a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia in adulthood.– Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Think You Can Stop Using Marijuana?“Starting marijuana use during adolescence or young adulthood is strongly associated with future marijuana addiction.”– Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Want to MakeSomething of Yourself?Cannabis users who began regular use in their teens had poorer later life outcomes than non-using peers, such as less likely to be in a relationship. – Drug and Alcohol Review Is Your Child Struggling with Poor Mental Health?“Adolescents and young adults who quit marijuana use have a lower risk of developing mental health disorders than those who continue to use.”– Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Marijuana use = impaired learning and memory up to 28 daysThis impairment increases with frequent use and is associated with failure to graduate from high school and not attaining a college degree.– marijuanahealthinfo.colorado.gov/literature-review/public-health-statements Failing at School? Stop using THC!“Teens who use marijuana are more likely to quit high school or not get a college degree.”– CDC.gov Feeling Down?Cannabis use was linked to an increased risk of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicidal attempts in young adulthood.– JAMA Psychiatry Emerging concerns related to youth use of high potency marijuana products• Increased acute care visits• Mental health disorders• Cannabis-induced psychosis– Adolescent Psychiatry www.eurekaselect.com/article/116201 People who drive under the influence of marijuana experience slower reactions, lane weaving, and decreased coordination.– SAMHSA.gov In CO, the #1 Demographicof Emergency Room DischargesLikely Attributed to Cannabis: YOUTH AGES 13-17(232.0 per 100,000 discharges)– marijuanahealthreport.colorado.gov Want to be Smart? Don’t be a Dope!Long-term marijuana use results in a loss of IQ points from childhood to midlife.– The American Journal of Psychiatry Marijuana increases risk of depression and suicidalityMarijuana use during adolescence increases the likelihood of becoming depressedor attempting suicide in young adulthood.– ncbi.nml.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6450286 Think MarijuanaMakes You Creative?Teens who use marijuana are more likely to quit high school or not get a college degree.– CDC.gov COUGH, COUGH, COUGH!Marijuana smoke can cause symptoms of chronic bronchitis, a heavy cough, and lung irritation.– drugabuse.gov Can’t Remember a Thing?Early initiation of marijuana useis associated with deficits in auditory-verbal memory in young adults.– Neurotoxicol Teratol Marijuana Can Hurt Your BrainUntil your mid-20s, marijuana use might have permanent effects on your developing brain!– CDC.gov Youth THC Use = STRONG Association With Future High-Risk Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs– Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Marijuana IS Addictive1-in-3 teens who use the drug daily can become addicted, and 1-in-6 teens who use before the age of 18 can become addicted.– nida.nih.gov Brain Feeling Slow?Using THC leads to cognitive impairments including:• Making decisions• Suppressing inappropriate responses• Learning through reading and listening• The ability to remember what one reads or hears• The time needed to complete a mental task– Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction to THC is up to 7 times higher for a growing brain (12-18) than an adult brain (22-26)While the legal age to use marijuana is 18 (medical) or 21 (recreational), the scientific age for an adult brain is 25 to 30 years old. We would have less addiction if people abstained from any addictive substance until age 30.– Drug and Alcohol Dependence volume 92 Marijuana causes brain damageThe brain continues to grow until the late-20s.When teens use marijuana, they stunt the formation of their prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain in charge of decision making, motivation, and judgment. – JAMA Psychiatry 2021 Marijuana is NOT safer than tobaccoA radiology study comparing the CT scans of chronic marijuana smokers, verses tobacco smokers and non-smokers, found the marijuana smokers showed the worst effects. Another study comparing second hand smoke from a Marlboro cigarette, a marijuana joint, and a nicotine vape, found that a marijuana joint produces 3.5 times as much secondhand smoke as a Marlboro cigarette.– Journal of Adolescent Health 2021 Marijuana is Poorly RegulatedJust because pot is sold in a dispensary does not mean it’s safe. The public has no FDA protective standards.20 of 20 plant-based samples from legal dispensaries were found to have contaminants, toxins, carcinogens, bacteria, and/or fungus.– UC Davis Marijuana targets the heartWhile the brain is the number one target for THC, the heart is number two.Use of high-potency THC is associated with heart attack, stroke, and irregular heart rhythms.– American Heart Association Small Children Are Being Poisoned by THCThe number of children under the age of 5 accidentally poisoned by cannabis edibles has soared 1,375% since 2017.– Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Jan. 2023 Weed whacks your DNAMarijuana is genotoxic, meaning it can damage your DNA. Altered male sperm DNA is associated with the birth of autistic children, and prenatal cannabis exposure is linked to elevated childhood Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL). – BMC Cancer #21 2021 Marijuana is NOT Safer Than Alcohol• Marijuana binds to cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and body and alter their functions, but there are no alcohol receptors. • Alcohol leaves the body in days, but marijuana takes weeks. • Psychosis associated with marijuana can happen at first use and happens at a younger age.– Psychiatric Times Marijuana is NOT Recommended For SeizuresMarijuana actually increases the risk of seizures. Epidiolex, a cannabis-derived medication for seizures, is CBD, not THC. Children with seizure disorders should not smoke pot or use any type of THC products.– J Med Toxicol, July 2022 THC Making You Puke?Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is a poorly understood vomiting disorder associated with chronic cannabis use, highest in the 16-24 age group.– pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36307209