July 4-10 is National Marijuana Facts Week©(NMFW)!
NMFW is an annual, week-long, national health observance founded by Johnny’s Ambassadors to raise public awareness about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide. The week-long observance symbolically culminates on Sunday, July 10 (What is Anti-710 Dab Day?), which also happens to be the publication date of Laura’s new book, The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story.
NMFW brings together parents, students, educators, doctors, scientists, and community partners to save our youth from the harms of today’s high-potency marijuana. We aim to decrease the perception of harmlessness and reduce the use of marijuana by young people. NMFW was launched in 2021 by Johnny’s Ambassadors to encourage educational events in communities so teens can learn what science has taught us about marijuana use and addiction.
TO PARTICIPATE: Select some of these activities to do during the week of July 4-10 on your own or with your coalition, community group, or organization:
1. Post Quotes with Graphics
2. Distribute Our Research Toolkits
3. Play Our Marijuana Trivia Online Gameshow
4. Challenge Your Teen to a Game of Marijuana FACT or CRAP
5. Share a National Marijuana Facts Week© FACT SHEET!
6. Take Our Online Teen or Adult Marijuana Training (2 hours)
7. Watch and Share Personal Testimonies from Those Harmed
8. Participate in a One-Hour Webinar with Laura Stack
9. Pre-order Laura’s book
10. Host a watch party of one of our Johnny’s Ambassadors Expert Webinars
Use hashtag #NMFW and #StopDabbing. Please link back to our website, tag @JohnnyKStack on Twitter, laura_stack on Instagram, and our page on Facebook. We would love to know you’re participating and what you plan to do!

1. Post Quotes with Graphics
Post these quotes with matching graphic to your social media (Twitter, Insta, LinkedIn, Facebook) to educate others! You are free to save (right-click, Save Image as), post, and use as-is with no alterations.
“There is no scenario in which cannabis is guaranteed to be harmless for anybody.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
“Today’s more potent marijuana plants contain 28% THC or higher, while the weed we rolled in the ’70’s and ’80’s was 2-5% THC.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
“The danger is today’s high-potency pot is extremely hazardous to the developing mind. It’s highly addictive.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
“Dab is to marijuana what crack is to cocaine. Depending on potency, one dab is like smoking three to five joints at once.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
“Long-term cannabis use can result in thoughts of suicide and suicide itself.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
“Teens who start using marijuana before their brains are fully developed will have permanent changes in their brain’s structure and functioning.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book
“People can feel suicidal after using marijuana, especially when they are young and use high-potency products with high frequency.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
“Use of marijuana with a THC content over 10% increases the risk of a psychotic disorder four-to five-fold.” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
“High-potency cannabis appears to be associated with a greater risk of psychotic symptoms, depression, anxiety, & cannabis dependence” from @laurastack in The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. https://johnnysambassadors.org/book #StopDabbing
2. Distribute Our Research Toolkits
3. Play Our Marijuana Trivia Gameshow!

4. Challenge Your Teen to a Game of Marijuana FACT or CRAP!
To share or embed the game use this link: https://johnnysambassadors.org/factorcrap. Or, post an image of the game card one day (right click and save the image below) and post the answers another day.
5. Share a National Marijuana Facts Week© FACT SHEET!
CLICK HERE to download ALL 14 Fact Sheets in jpg format – share twice a day for 7 days = 14 fact sheets!
6. Take Our Online Teen OR Adult Marijuana Training

7. Watch and Share Personal Testimonies from Those Harmed
Click Here to Share Other’s Personal Stories to Your Social Media
8. Participate in a One-Hour Webinar with Laura Stack

9. Order Laura’s Book
The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story was published on July 10, 2021 the last day of National Marijuana Facts Week©(Anti 710 Dab Day).
10. Host a watch party
Use Zoom to play one of our on-demand Johnny’s Ambassadors Expert Webinars.
For more information, please email Laura Stack, Founder & CEO of Johnny’s Ambassadors, at [email protected].