Take the Pledge

Enter our quarterly drawing for a Johnny’s Ambassadors swag bag! Enter your first name, email, state, and age (must be under 18 and have a U.S. mailing address) in the form below, and you’ll be entered into our random drawing for t-shirt, bracelet, magnet, pin, decal, book, journal, and pen! Every entrant will receive links to our great teen THC educational content!

Take the Pledge

Enter our quarterly drawing for a Johnny’s Ambassadors swag bag! Enter your first name, email, state, and age (must be under 18 and have a U.S. mailing address) in the form below, and you’ll be entered into our random drawing for t-shirt, bracelet, magnet, pin, decal, book, journal, and pen! Every entrant will receive links to our great teen THC educational content!

E-Mail address
Please enter a number from 1 to 120.

Show off your THC-free certificate! Click on the graphic below, save it to your computer, and fill in the blanks. Have a conversation about the pledge with a parent or trusted adult!