Student Video Course for Classroom Teachers

“I’m not your Mom”6:15
Laura Stack Is Johnny’s Mom and she wants to share her son’s story. Johnny died of suicide when he was nineteen. He was addicted to THC.  

What is THC? 6:36
Learn about the different types of cannabis products, which ones are psychoactive, and what role potency plays in these products.

Why Does Potency Matter? 6:52
Potency translates into dosage. All marijuana products today are high potency and unsafe. Not understanding dosage leads to overdoses and emergency room visits.

Negative Impacts of Teen Marijuana Use on the Brain 13:21
The teen years are crucial to brain development. Marijuana usage during the teen years seriously affects human brain formation.

Is Marijuana Medicine? 5:12
Many of the conditions marijuana that is supposedly used for, such as anxiety, depression, and stress, are exacerbated by marijuana use. There are no studies showing that high potency THC is of any benefit to teens.

Marijuana and Mental Illness 7:38
Research suggests that using high THC products can increase the chance of developing psychosis and schizophrenia. In Colorado, suicide is the #1 cause of death in teens, and the #1 substance found in their toxicology reports is THC.