Turning Pain into Purpose: An Emotionally Naked Story of Depression, Addiction, Loss, and Hope
Featured expert: Anne Moss Rogers
Cost: $0 (But we would welcome your donation!)
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TEDx and emotionally naked® speaker, Anne Moss Rogers, lost her 20-year-old son, Charles Aubrey Rogers, to suicide in 2015 after many years of struggle with anxiety, depression, and addiction. Grief stricken and terrified, she published a newspaper article about her family’s tragedy that went viral, creating a following for her blog, Emotionally Naked. This presentation is her story about how she translated her grief into action to prevent substance misuse and suicide in a bold and unorthodox way.
Learning Objectives
After the conclusion of this one-hour webinar, you will understand the following:
- The difference between normal teen behavior and warning signs
- Signs of someone struggling and what to say/do
- How drugs/alcohol have become normalized its impact on our culture
- What does a parent do if they suspect their child is mentally ill/using?
Speaker Bio
Anne Moss Rogers is an emotionally naked TEDx storyteller, registered suicide prevention trainer, author of the book, Diary of a Broken Mind, and owner of the popular Emotionally Naked blog. She is a marketing expert who co-owned and later sold her digital marketing business to pursue suicide prevention after her twenty-year-old son, Charles, died by suicide June 5, 2015 after struggling with depression and addiction.
She has given a TEDx, Can a Blog Save Lives?, been interviewed by the New York Times, and spoken at the National Institute of Mental Health. A graduate of UNC Chapel Hill, she now lives in Richmond, VA with her husband, Randy. Her surviving son, Richard, works in LA as a filmmaker.

Book: DiaryofaBrokenMind.com
Blog: EmotionallyNaked.com
Speaker: AnneMossRogers.com
TEDx- Can a Blog Save Lives?
Facebook page
Email Founder & CEO, Laura Stack, at [email protected].