Calling all Youth Leadership Councils! Prevention Clubs! Student Councils! Community Coalitions Youth Leaders! Join Johnny’s TAG Team!

TEENS, how would you like to become a peer-to-peer educator to prevent youth THC use? Join Johnny’s TAG (Teen Ambassador Group) Team and become a trained advocate and mentor in your school or community!

TAG, you’re it!

Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention, a nonprofit based in south Denver, CO, is seeking teens from student leadership councils, school prevention clubs, and community coalitions.… Read the rest

Cindy G — August 2, 2023

I typically do not post anything too personal as I’m a very private person. Since Haley’s passing, I have had several parents reach out and confide in me struggles they and their kids have been going through. I think this is because anyone that knows me knows that I was a very involved parent with Haley and her life and had a very close relationship with her, so if I didn’t have a clue she was struggling, it scares them with their own kids.… Read the rest

Anonymous – June 18, 2023

My son, 22, was in some ways the last person you’d expect to get cannabis use disorder.  He’d participated in drug and alcohol prevention programs throughout high school, and based on what he’d learned, planned to wait for substance use (even alcohol) until he was 25, if ever. … Read the rest

Allison M — June 4, 2023

I came across your website “Johnny’s Ambassadors” and wanted to share with you, and your readers, that my son Frank starting using the high THC concentrate called “shatter” in 2018 and four years later he committed suicide. We are devastated by his loss and miss him so much.… Read the rest

National Marijuana Facts Week® (NMFW) from July 4-10, 2023!

Join Johnny’s Ambassadors for National Marijuana Facts Week® (NMFW) from July 4-10, 2023! Plan an event or activity to empower the teens and organizations in your community to reduce youth marijuana abuse. Use our simple five-step process below to get started in creating an opportunity to raise awareness of and prevent marijuana abuse among teens in communities nationwide.… Read the rest