Doug K. – November 4, 2020

Dear Laura and John,

When I read the article about your son Johnny in The Epoch Times it was identical to my daughter, Abby, except she fortunately is still with us. I got chills reading and was emotional. I’m in Canada (Ontario) which legalized Marijuana in 2018 under our disingenuous hopeless Liberal government, who used it in the campaign to secure the young vote and use it as a tax grab.… Read the rest

Daryl B. – November 2, 2020

Hi Laura, I read you and your husband’s article in the Epoch Times. I am a 60 year old man from Arizona, retired Probation Supervisor. I was a user 3 years ago. I was shared my wife’s medical marijuana. I had a psychotic episode 3 years ago and could not figure out what happened until I read your article about your son.… Read the rest

The Increasing Prevalence of Marijuana Vaping

By Laura Stack

Vaping was supposed to be a good thing. We know better now.

Some clever person invented electronic cigarettes—little vaping pens that heated nicotine-infused liquid and released it as a vapor (technically an aerosol), rather than smoke. Initially, vaping was perceived as a safer way to ingest nicotine; indeed, it was going to help many people quit smoking cigarettes.… Read the rest

Is Marijuana Medicine?

By Laura Stack

Teens may have heard incorrectly that marijuana can help them get over negative things happening their lives. Some people claim cannabis is a miracle drug, with few negative effects; however, their claims are mostly wishful thinking and marketing tactics to get a new generation addicted to their products.… Read the rest