Why Marijuana Kills Motivation – FACT or CRAP Part 12

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

12. You’ll feel more motivated if you use marijuana for a long time.

Answer: CRAP

Long-term marijuana users have lower levels of dopamine and are less ambitious and motivated. http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/newsandeventspggrp/imperialcollege/newssummary/news_1-7-2013-11-49-21

Many people say they like using marijuana because it makes them feel “mellow.”… Read the rest

No Leadership on Homelessness Prevention in California

Guest post by Heidi Anderson-Swan

Two states, Colorado and Washington, have pending bills to cap the THC concentrates at 15% and 30%, respectively. I applaud these efforts because their success will lower the rates of psychosis. However, it’s important to understand marijuana use is still an environmental risk factor for schizophrenia, even when the THC potencies are between merely 2-8%.  … Read the rest