The Truth About Marijuana and Lung Damage – FACT or CRAP Part 15

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

15. Marijuana isn’t harmful for your health.

Answer: CRAP

Marijuana smoke can cause symptoms of chronic bronchitis, a heavy cough, and lung irritation. What are marijuana’s effects on lung health

I doubt there’s anyone among us who hasn’t heard a tobacco smoker hacking away like they’re about to cough up a lung.… Read the rest

Why Marijuana Kills Motivation – FACT or CRAP Part 12

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

12. You’ll feel more motivated if you use marijuana for a long time.

Answer: CRAP

Long-term marijuana users have lower levels of dopamine and are less ambitious and motivated.

Many people say they like using marijuana because it makes them feel “mellow.”… Read the rest