Johnny’s Ambassadors provides these graphics with tips and research links for you or your coalition to share! Our goal is to help you educate others about the harms to youth who use THC! You are free to download, post, and use these materials as-is with no alterations. If posting these graphics to social media, you can add your organization’s information, logo, or message to the post, but the image with the Johnny’s Ambassadors logo must stay intact.
Just Say Know Graphics
Johnny’s Warning
Please share Johnny’s warning: “Marijuana ruined my mind and my life.”

Marijuana Facts

Marijuana Trivia
Are the following statements FACT or CRAP?

1. You can get addicted to marijuana.
FACT – 17% of adolescents who use marijuana become addicted, and 50% of daily users become addicted. Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use

2. Marijuana can’t lower your intelligence.
CRAP – Heavy marijuana exposure starting in adolescence predicts an 8-point drop in IQ. Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife
Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-offs Graphics
How do you know if your child is acting like a normal teenager or if you’re seeing cannabis use? Here are ten true-or-false statements covering the most likely tip-offs that your teen is using marijuana.

1. If my teen used marijuana, I’d be able to smell it.
FALSE – While smoked marijuana has a distinctive, skunky smell, vaped marijuana,[1] whether in oil or solid form, often has little or no smell. You won’t be able to smell it on your teen’s breath and clothes, and the vapors can easily dissipate in a well-ventilated place. Teens can use a “sploof,” which is a handmade filter made from a cardboard tube and a dryer sheet. A room deodorizer or incense can also effectively mask the smell of marijuana. Or, your teen may wear more perfume or cologne than normal.

2. My teen often has red, bloodshot eyes and uses eye drops frequently, which could indicate marijuana use.
TRUE – Marijuana users often have very bloodshot eyes because marijuana is a vasodilator.[2] It lowers your blood pressure which causes the capillaries in your eyes to relax and increases the blood flow to those vessels. To counter this effect, users often use eye drops specially formulated for redness which decreases the size of the capillaries in the eyes to make the bloodshot appearance go away. If you note your teen using a lot of eye drops for no apparent reason or you find bottles of eye drops and don’t know why, he or she may be using marijuana.
Dirty Dozen Graphics
Mental Health Graphics
We made 31 of these, so you could post one a day during May Mental Health Month! But great for any use.
Laura’s Book Graphics

Johnny’s Cartoons
Marijuana Fact Sheets
We created 12 of these, so you can post two a day during National Marijuana Facts Week, July 4-10. But they are great to use for any campaign!

“I AM ONE OF Johnny’s Ambassadors” BADGES for social media
HOLIDAY GRAPHICS – for bereaved parents to post on special occasions
Free Educational Resources