My son found out he was going to be a dad on March 27, so he stopped “smoking weed,” dabbing, and cigarettes that very same day. Withdrawls were so bad that by Tuesday he was having hallucinations and asked me to take him to Rivervalley after-hours facility.… Read the rest
Joanna D. – September 11, 2020
You represent so many families, including mine, whose children have suffered the devastation of thc abuse. On Sept 19 we will gather to remember our sweet Joey. Gone too soon, he was barely 24 years old when he ended his struggle.… Read the rest
Ann C. – September 6, 2020
When my son Brant was seventeen years old, he had a devastating experience while smoking a large quantity of THC-marijuana. It led to a sudden, major psychotic break, emergency room care, hospitalization for nearly a week, and ultimately his suicide two weeks later.… Read the rest
Can Marijuana Use Lead to Suicidal Ideation in Some Adolescents?
By Laura Stack
The evidence-based negative effects of cannabis on adolescents are many and varied, especially for young people, and we’ve covered them numerous times in previous blogs. But today, I want to discuss openly a very sensitive topic: THC as it relates to adolescent suicidal ideation and suicide.… Read the rest
Alisha R. – September 3, 2020
Our oldest son began using marijuana at 15, he is now 23 and it has been a constant 8 year battle. He has spent his 17th, 19th, 20th, and 22nd birthdays in rehabs. Although he has used other drugs, his main drug of choice is marijuana.… Read the rest
Aubree A. – August 28, 2020
In 2014 when we lived in Colorado, my son celebrated the legalization of marijuana by writing 420, which is code for the marijuana holiday and a time promoted to smoke marijuana, on his clothes and arms. He was a boy scout and played baseball.… Read the rest
Sally S. – September 2, 2020
A 2014 Open Letter to the Person Who Called Me a Failed Parent
I belong to the club no one wants to join. My son Andy died by suicide in March 2014 at age 31 in Arizona. I have since met other mothers enduring this life change and trying to heal as I am.… Read the rest
What Symptoms Do Adolescents Try to Treat with Marijuana, And Does It Help?
By Laura Stack
Most of us are so used to thinking of marijuana as a recreational drug that it might surprise you to learn that some teens don’t use it to get high. In a number of small studies, teenage users have reported using marijuana primarily to cope with life issues.… Read the rest
How Does Marijuana Influence Adolescent Brain Development?
By Laura Stack
The cartoon of Johnny aiming for a mailbox with a bat while driving in the back of a speeding car pretty much depicts the lack of judgment characteristic of a yet-undeveloped adolescent prefrontal cortex.
As America’s #1 most-used illicit drug and #2 most-popular substance after alcohol, marijuana has been subject to a wide battery of medical studies over the past few decades.… Read the rest
Fact vs. Fiction: Can Marijuana Kill You?
By Laura Stack
One of the most common questions that people ask marijuana experts, advocates, and opponents alike is the one posed in the title of this blog: Can marijuana kill you? It’s an excellent question, and during my research for this and other blogs, I’ve read as many articles that concluded “Absolutely not!”… Read the rest