Can youth become addicted to marijuana?

Despite what Big Marijuana might have you believe, marijuana is quite addictive —especially for those who start using it before or during adolescence. Statistics show that about one in six (about 16.7%) of youth who use marijuana will become addicted. One in three (33.3%) youths who use marijuana every day become addicts.… Read the rest

July 4-10 is National Marijuana Facts Week© (NMFW)!

National Marijuana Facts Week (NMFW) is an annual, week-long, national health observance created by Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Prevention to raise public awareness about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicidality.

The week-long observance kicks off with a “bang” on Monday, July 4 and symbolically culminates on Sunday, July 10 (see what is Anti-710 Dab Day?),… Read the rest

Marijuana and Addiction – FACT or CRAP Part 1

Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?

  1. You can get addicted to marijuana.

Answer: FACT

17% of adolescents who use marijuana become addicted, and 50% of daily users become addicted. Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use

Recently, I came across an ad for a cannabis-only investment company that pointed out that legal marijuana might soon grow to a $100 billion industry.… Read the rest

The Dirty Dozen #3: High-Potency Marijuana and the Risk of Addiction

By Laura Stack

When 10-30%+ of all frequent marijuana users depend on it to get through the day, you have prima facie evidence that a substance is addictive. There’s plenty of scientific proof to prove this first impression for marijuana. Mental health professionals refer to marijuana dependency as Cannabis Use Disorder, or CUD, and it’s one of nine recognized Substance Use Disorders, right up there with those for tobacco and alcohol.… Read the rest

No Leadership on Homelessness Prevention in California

Guest post by Heidi Anderson-Swan

Two states, Colorado and Washington, have pending bills to cap the THC concentrates at 15% and 30%, respectively. I applaud these efforts because their success will lower the rates of psychosis. However, it’s important to understand marijuana use is still an environmental risk factor for schizophrenia, even when the THC potencies are between merely 2-8%.  … Read the rest