Dirty Dozen Negative Outcomes of Adolescent Marijuana Use #8: Marijuana Decreases Fertility Rates

By Laura Stack

Decades ago, Big Tobacco realized their consumer base was steadily killing itself off due to illnesses caused by heavy tobacco use, particularly emphysema, heart disease, and cancers. The industry kept this to themselves, because the only way to maintain said consumer base was by recruiting more smokers as the others died, especially young people.… Read the rest

Dirty Dozen #6: Marijuana Makes You More Likely to Drop Out of School

By Laura Stack

I’ve said it before: smoking, dabbing, or otherwise abusing marijuana makes you dumb. And science can prove it. In addition to the multiple studies showing how long-term marijuana use impairs your judgment, making you stop caring about negative consequences, AND drops your IQ permanently by as many as eight IQ points, other studies show a correlation between daily marijuana use and early high school drop-out rates.… Read the rest

The Dirty Dozen #3: High-Potency Marijuana and the Risk of Addiction

By Laura Stack

When 10-30%+ of all frequent marijuana users depend on it to get through the day, you have prima facie evidence that a substance is addictive. There’s plenty of scientific proof to prove this first impression for marijuana. Mental health professionals refer to marijuana dependency as Cannabis Use Disorder, or CUD, and it’s one of nine recognized Substance Use Disorders, right up there with those for tobacco and alcohol.… Read the rest

What is 710 International Dab Day?

By Laura Stack

My name is Laura Stack, and we live in Highlands Ranch (a suburb south of Denver). My 19-year-old son, Johnny, died by suicide on November 20, 2019, after becoming psychotic from dabbing wax (marijuana concentrate). You can’t become psychotic from “just using weed,” you say?… Read the rest

Research Update: Marijuana for PTSD

By Dr. Aaron Weiner

If you’ve heard any of my talks about medical marijuana, you’ll know that one of my biggest frustrations with the medical marijuana system is the inclusion of PTSD as a qualifying condition. As a psychologist, particularly one who trained for 3 years in the VA Hospital system, its inclusion is baffling and disappointing: if you talk to anyone who actually treats PTSD in a professional context, they will tell you that marijuana and other addictive substances are contraindicated for PTSD.… Read the rest