J.T. — August 8, 2021

Thank you, Laura,  for organizing this walk and making this happen so we can help educate others and effect change in legislation. My son had 2 psychotic episodes and is now 22. My husband and I are both MDs and we were completely unaware of the high dose THC available and the many terrible health consequences.… Read the rest

The Dirty Dozen #3: High-Potency Marijuana and the Risk of Addiction

By Laura Stack

When 10-30%+ of all frequent marijuana users depend on it to get through the day, you have prima facie evidence that a substance is addictive. There’s plenty of scientific proof to prove this first impression for marijuana. Mental health professionals refer to marijuana dependency as Cannabis Use Disorder, or CUD, and it’s one of nine recognized Substance Use Disorders, right up there with those for tobacco and alcohol.… Read the rest

Catherine W — July 26, 2021

My daughter has been using Stizzy heavily; it’s 80% THC, and suffered cannabis induced psychosis. The last three months she has some level improvement but not much, and the day before yesterday, she decided to go out on her skateboard on a very busy street at midnight, and she was hit by a car.… Read the rest

Lisa B. — July 20, 2021

Yet another similar story.  Our son (20 as well) became psychotic after ingesting a 50 mg edible on his birthday (6/10) while he was also going through a dab cartridge every few days. He became increasingly paranoid and angry (180 degree turn from his usual gentle nature) to the point where he was so aggressive I had to leave my own house. … Read the rest

Michelle P — July 14, 2021

Our son began using high potency THC products at the age of 14, during his freshman year of high school at a friend’s house.  He quickly spiraled out of control… he got in trouble at school and was expelled.  He lost many friends and ended up dropping out of high school by his junior year. … Read the rest