Hello, Johnny’s Ambassadors! Did you know in a few weeks, teens and young adults around the world will celebrate 420 DAY? Do you know what 420 Day is and why it’s meaningful in marijuana culture? And more importantly, do you know where your teen will be at 4:20 PM on Tuesday, April 20?… Read the rest
The Truth About Marijuana and Depression
By Laura Stack
In 1971, psychiatrists Harold Kolansky and William T. Moore sounded an alarm about the effects of marijuana on young people that’s eerily reminiscent of many of today’s medical studies. Their study documented the effects of the relatively weak herb marijuana of the time, which rarely exceeded 3% THC concentration—as opposed to the 15-35% strains common today, not to mention the high-potency wax, shatter, and other butane hash oils available at 90%+ THC.… Read the rest
The Iceland Approach to Juvenile Drug Abuse
By Laura Stack
Pro-marijuana advocates often claim the nation of Iceland has the highest per-capita use of marijuana in the world, based on an old UN report—so much so that the authorities turn a blind eye to it. After all, what else is there to do but get stoned on an icy island with a total population (330,000) lower than some American cities?… Read the rest
Darla D. — March 16, 2020
“This could very well be my story. My son is just completing his treatment program thru CU ARTS program. If wanted, they come to your home and counsel you and the family twice a week for an hour and half, plus they have a bonus-based drug sobriety testing program. … Read the rest
What’s the Big Deal About Marijuana Potency?
By Laura Stack
The more powerful the marijuana product, the more likely it will damage your brain. Probably slowly, but possibly immediately. That’s not anti-marijuana propaganda; it’s proven scientific fact.
Less than a century ago, this would have been enough to put most people off marijuana for good.… Read the rest
By Heidi Anderson-Swan
My brother was a homeless drug addict with schizophrenia who went to jail eighteen times. He refused treatment. What could we do? It was agonizing for me to imagine him outside, finding shelter under a freeway overpass. To make it worse, he was homeless in Seattle, where it seems to rain practically every day.… Read the rest
Featuring speakers from the National Marijuana Initiative Speakers Bureau!
After the suicide death of her 19-year-old son, Johnny, on 11/20/19, Laura Stack founded the 501c3 nonprofit Johnny’s Ambassadors to educate parents and teens about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide.… Read the rest
The Fodder of Lies: Marijuana Use and Mood Disorders
By Laura Stack
Despite evidence to the contrary, many marijuana users choose to believe their favorite drug works as a viable medicine for all kinds of ailments, physical and mental. Pro-marijuana web sites love to promote marijuana as an “alternative medicine,” good for whatever ails you, just as their Big Tobacco and snake oil predecessors did with their products.… Read the rest
The Genetic Component of Cannabis-Induced Schizophrenia
By Laura Stack
Modern marijuana is an insidious drug, in part because its proponents and users operate under a set of assumptions that no longer apply. Once upon a time—ironically, during the period when government agencies quashed it most severely—marijuana wasn’t much of a threat to most people.… Read the rest
Marni M. — February 18, 2021
I recently joined your page because I have a nephew, who died by suicide last year. Today he would have been 22 years old. He was very troubled his whole life, but his first drug abuse was high-potency marijuana. His parents supported this use, and he was hospitalized many times.… Read the rest