Today is ANTI-710 Day! What, you don’t know what 710 Day is? Ask your teens, and make sure you know where they are at 7:10 PM. Today, July 10, is Dab Day, because 710 turned upside down spell “OIL.” Why? Because participants are high on cannabis oil, which is one type of high-potency marijuana.… Read the rest
Cannabis Use and Neurocognitive Performance at 13-14 Years-Old: Optimizing Assessment with Hair Toxicology in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study

The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study is the largest long-term research study on brain development and child health in the United States. The study—which started collecting data in 2017—will follow nearly 12,000 American children from ages 9 or 10 into early adulthood.… Read the rest
The Teen Brain Is Especially Susceptible to the Harms of THC

Many parents and their children perceive marijuana as safe. After all, the drug is getting legalized across the United States, and many assume that all it did in years past was make users giddy.
The problem is that today’s marijuana isn’t like it was in years past.… Read the rest
Abnormal Developmental Structural Covariance Networks in Young Adults with Heavy Cannabis Use: A 3-Year Follow-Up Study

A study published in January 2024 is proving that there are real dangers associated with heavy and frequent cannabis use—like altered brain development in youth.
The study was published in Translational Psychiatry, a peer-reviewed medical journal from Nature Publishing Group.… Read the rest
At What Age Should Children Start Learning About Marijuana?

I recommend you begin marijuana education no later than age ten, and significantly younger if possible. Middle school is often the age of initiation into marijuana use. When I spoke at one high school recently, one student asked me, “But why aren’t you at the middle school instead of here?… Read the rest
How Does Marijuana Affect the Development of the Human Brain?

Over the past few decades, we’ve learned that some parts of the human brain continue to develop until at least the age of 25 in women and 28 in men. Heavy exposure to marijuana before this age can negatively impact brain development, resulting in damage affecting many bodily and mental functions.… Read the rest
At What Age Does the Brain’s Frontal Lobe Fully Develop?

One trade-off we humans suffer for our intelligence is brains that aren’t as well-developed as they could be when we’re born. Otherwise, our heads would be too big for the birth canal. Therefore, unlike most large mammals, many of which can walk and seek food within days or hours of birth, human infants are helpless.… Read the rest
How Has Marijuana Changed Since the “Woodstock Days,” and in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s?

Reefer Madness, a 1936 film, portrays users driven insane by pot, even to the point of suicide. Based on analyses performed in the 1960s, and to a lesser extent on archived samples in recent years, old-style “reefer” was remarkably weak. The marijuana that had people dancing naked at Woodstock had a THC content of maybe 2-3%.… Read the rest
Does Marijuana Improve Your Memory? – FACT or CRAP Part 5
Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?
5. Marijuana improves your memory.
Answer: CRAP
Marijuana impairs short-term memory, making it difficult to learn and retain information. A Population-Based Analysis of the Relationship Between Substance Use and Adolescent Cognitive Development
Let’s face it: Big Marijuana, and the adults it’s duped with its promises of a clean high and a medical panacea, really know better.… Read the rest
Marijuana Lowers Your Intelligence – FACT or CRAP Part 2
Is the following statement FACT or CRAP?
2. Marijuana can’t lower your intelligence.
Answer: CRAP
Heavy marijuana exposure starting in adolescence predicts an 8-point drop in IQ. Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife
For some time now, scientists and medical professionals have known that persistent marijuana use over long periods of time harms the brain in a variety of ways.… Read the rest