Dirty Dozen #6: Marijuana Makes You More Likely to Drop Out of School

By Laura Stack

I’ve said it before: smoking, dabbing, or otherwise abusing marijuana makes you dumb. And science can prove it. In addition to the multiple studies showing how long-term marijuana use impairs your judgment, making you stop caring about negative consequences, AND drops your IQ permanently by as many as eight IQ points, other studies show a correlation between daily marijuana use and early high school drop-out rates.… Read the rest

Recognizing the Marijuana Harm Gap

By Laura Stack

With more states legalizing marijuana, it’s incumbent upon us as loved ones, parents, grandparents, counselors, teachers, and concerned adults, to protect the vulnerable. Marijuana isn’t legal until 21 years of age, and there’s a good reason for that—it harms the developing mind when used during adolescence.… Read the rest