2022 – a year in review – and here’s to 2023!

Dear Johnny’s Ambassadors,

I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful holiday season with those you love. I know for many of us, this is a difficult time of year. It’s hard to imagine Johnny died over three years ago. Our daughter and son-in-law are expecting our first grandson next month, our youngest son just graduated from Colorado State University, and John and I are moving in May from the house where we raised our children.… Read the rest

July 4-10 is National Marijuana Facts Week© (NMFW)!

National Marijuana Facts Week (NMFW) is an annual, week-long, national health observance created by Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Prevention to raise public awareness about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicidality.

The week-long observance kicks off with a “bang” on Monday, July 4 and symbolically culminates on Sunday, July 10 (see what is Anti-710 Dab Day?),… Read the rest

Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-Offs Part 9

How do you know if your child is acting like a normal teenager or if you’re seeing cannabis use? Here are ten true-or-false statements covering the most likely tip-offs that your teen is using marijuana.


9.  My teen is saying some strange things about his phone being bugged; this sudden paranoia can indicate marijuana use.… Read the rest

Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-Offs Part 8

How do you know if your child is acting like a normal teenager or if you’re seeing cannabis use? Here are ten true-or-false statements covering the most likely tip-offs that your teen is using marijuana.


8.  My teen seems to be anxious and depressed, but that’s just normal teen behavior, not a sign of marijuana use.… Read the rest

Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-Offs Part 6

How do you know if your child is acting like a normal teenager or if you’re seeing cannabis use? Here are ten true-or-false statements covering the most likely tip-offs that your teen is using marijuana.


6.  I found hollowed-out cigars and burned nails in my son’s backpack, which seems odd, but they can’t be related to marijuana use.… Read the rest