Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-Offs Part 6

How do you know if your child is acting like a normal teenager or if you’re seeing cannabis use? Here are ten true-or-false statements covering the most likely tip-offs that your teen is using marijuana.


6.  I found hollowed-out cigars and burned nails in my son’s backpack, which seems odd, but they can’t be related to marijuana use.… Read the rest

Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-Offs Part 3

How do you know if your child is acting like a normal teenager or if you’re seeing cannabis use? Here are ten true-or-false statements covering the most likely tip-offs that your teen is using marijuana.


3.  My teen has suddenly changed his circle of friends, but this can’t signal possible marijuana use.  … Read the rest

Top Ten Teen Toking Tip-Offs Part 2

How do you know if your child is acting like a normal teenager or if you’re seeing cannabis use? Here are ten true-or-false statements covering the most likely tip-offs that your teen is using marijuana.


2.  My teen often has red, bloodshot eyes and uses eye drops frequently, which could indicate marijuana use.  … Read the rest

How I Survived the Death of My Son

By Laura Stack

I survived it. The worst day of my life was November 21, 2019 at 1:03 AM, when the coroner told my husband and me our son had died by suicide a few hours ago, on November 20. In the immediate days following, I alternated between screaming, sobbing, and being unable to talk to anyone other than my immediate family.… Read the rest