Anonymous — July 28, 2022

My adult son, 23 began using THC/Delta 8 when it became legal here in North Carolina in 2018, his sophomore year of college. He dropped out of college in the middle of his Jr Year to focus on a New App he and a friend was building and also focus on his paintings, he’s an artist.… Read the rest

Gino — July 28, 2022

Firstly, I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. I cried all the way through his tribute video. What a great kid, such an incredible shame.

THC has destroyed my life too I’m afraid. I ate two edibles 6 months ago and I’ve never been the same since.… Read the rest

Lisa — July 5, 2022

In pain currently, dealing with 16 year old son not listening to anything that I tell him. He was hospitalized at the end of October into November after weeks of extreme paranoia and persecutory delusions. It got so scary that he was seeing morphing faces and he couldn’t understand basic language spoken to him. … Read the rest

Linda W — June 7, 2022

My son, K, who is 20, has had two very serious cannabis-induced psychotic breaks in the last year and a half that were absolute hell. As K was growing up he played soccer, hockey, and tennis, and we all spent time together with family at the lake house every summer.… Read the rest