National Marijuana Facts Week (NMFW) is an annual, week-long, national health observance created by Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth Marijuana Prevention to raise public awareness about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicidality.
The week-long observance kicks off with a “bang” on Monday, July 4 and symbolically culminates on Sunday, July 10 (see what is Anti-710 Dab Day?), which also happens to be the publication date of Laura’s book, The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story.
NMFW brings together parents, students, educators, doctors, scientists, and community partners to save our youth from the harms of today’s high-potency marijuana. We aim to decrease the perception of harmlessness and reduce the use of marijuana by young people. NMFW was created by Johnny’s Ambassadors to encourage educational events in communities so teens can learn what science has taught us about marijuana use and addiction.
TO PARTICIPATE: Select some of these activities to do during the week of July 4-10 on your own or with your coalition, community group, or organization! Use hashtag #NMFW and #StopDabbing. Please link back to our website, tag @JohnnyKStack on Twitter, @johnnysambassadors on Instagram, and our page on Facebook. We would love to know you’re participating and what you plan to do or use!

Distribute our middle school or high school prevention one-pagers