Marijuana Printable Sheets

Print or distribute our Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention sheets at prevention events, exhibit tables, or classrooms for your substance prevention unit! Or bind the pages together and use it as a workbook in health, PE, prevention, or biology classes! These sheets must be used as is with no modifications.

If you personally teach students in a middle or high school classroom (health, PE, biology, site-based school nurse, prevention counselor, etc.) and wish to add the magazine to your lesson plan, we can mail you a limited supply of printed copies for your students. Please email me directly at [email protected] with the following information. For all others not in school classrooms, copies are $1.00 each. Email [email protected] to receive an invoice.

  1. What is your name, school, and physical mailing address?
  2. What is the name of your class in which you plan to use the Youth THC Prevention magazine?
  3. How many total students do you have (how many copies are needed)?
  4. How will you integrate the magazine into your lesson plan?
  5. After you complete the lesson, will you please send me feedback on how the magazine was received by the teens and suggestions for improvement in the curriculum guide?
  6. For our research, please have your students answer these 10 questions before using the magazine, and then answer this survey after you are done with your unit.

How to Use This Curriculum

1. Print out the pages you would like to use below (or we can ship you printed magazines).
2. Download the Teacher Notes (above)
3. Download the PowerPoint slides (underneath each set of worksheets below).
4. Review the slides, notes, and worksheets before class.
5. Have students take the pre curriculum survey that will be used by our team for statistics on how well this is working to change perceptions and behaviors (optional).
6. Give the Pre-Test from the Pre/Post Test button above (optional).
7. Lead the class through the PowerPoint as you read each worksheet together (have students take turns reading).
8. Have the students write their answers independently in the reflection box.
9. Discuss answers as a class.
10. Ask students to complete the post-curriculum survey.

High School and College Sheets

Middle School Sheets


High School and College Sheets

Middle School Sheets

Parent Educational Sheets

More one-pagers from our friends at Smart Approaches to Marijuana.